Senior School Sport  & Extra-Curricula Activities 

  • From the Senior Sports Master
  • Congratulations to our Head Strength and Conditioning Coach
  • Fixtures 26 August
  • Senior Rugby
  • Senior Football
  • Winter Squash
  • Athletics
  • Cricket
  • Basketball

From the Senior Sports Master

As the winter season concludes with only winter squash still in competition, can I take a final opportunity to thank our winter sports participants for the outstanding effort that went into the winter season. 

Whilst our boys did not achieve any premierships in 2023, they will certainly have learnt a lot about how to play their respective sports.

We will now review our processes in order to inform our planning for the 2024 winter season.  

As you will see below, summer season registrations and gradings are well underway. Please make sure you take time to read notifications in order to avoid disappointment.

Mr Matt Stearn - Senior Sports Master

Congratulations to our Head Strength and Conditioning Coach

Congratulations to Mrs Winning who has gained an enviable scholarship with ASCA.

Mrs Danielle Winning, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, has been accepted into the Australian Strength and Conditioning Association's (ASCA) Women’s Advisory Committee’s mentor program.  Mrs Winning who is currently a Level 2 ASCA Coach,  will now work towards her Level 3 accreditation. Her mentor is one of the top High-Performance Coaches at the Queensland Academy of Sport. Mrs Winning said, 'I’m beyond excited to learn from her and will use these strategies here at St Pius X College.'

This is the perfect opportunity for students to book into the SPX Strength and Conditioning Program at the Sarto Gym for either their summer sports conditioning or to commence pre-season strength work for the 2024 winter sports season.

If parents or students have any questions about the personalised SPX Strength and Conditioning Program or the outstanding coaching team, please contact us here at the College.

Mr Matt Stearn - Senior Sports Master

Squash Fixtures 26 August

Senior Rugby 

Results Saturday 19 August 

It’s a wrap!

A big thank you to all the players, coaches, parents and supporters for the 2023 Rugby season. Even though the 1st XV season didn’t go to plan, we had some great results during the season, and I think the players enjoyed the challenge of the rugby season. Special thanks to the SPX Rugby Committee who supplied the training jerseys for the boys, allocated funds for specialist coaches, put on an outstanding Rugby dinner and was a constant support to our program.

Congratulations to Mr Mark Casey, who after 45 years of coaching will retire at the end of 2023, he coached his last game on Saturday. How fitting that he coached his last game of Rugby League at St Leo's College with current parent, Mr Davidson, in his team, and on Saturday he coached Xavier Davidson, his son, in his last game of Rugby Union. We wish Mr Casey all the best for the future.'

Rugby has had many highlights and great experiences this year which we are pleased that the boys got to be a part of, however there are some key challenges as we move forward into next year. We as a Pius Rugby community will be reviewing our processes to get the best outcomes in 2024. I look forward to seeing most of you back bigger and better next year.

Mr Martin Gillogly - Senior Rugby Convenor

Senior Football

Saturday’s grand finals brought to a conclusion the 2023 Football season.  Although none of our teams managed to bring home the silverware, all teams performed incredibly well on the day, and in such a strong football competition. It is a credit to make the grand final.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the coaches who gave of their time to provide this opportunity for your sons, the SPX Football Club for their ongoing support, particularly departing president, Mrs Lorna Hammond, and a big thank you on behalf of all the players to the parents and family members who have transported their sons to and from venues and cheered on from the sideline.  Thank you.

Looking forward to the 2024 season.

Mr Simon Yue - Senior Football Convenor


SPX Football Supporters Club

Congratulations to all our football teams who played so well in the Grand Final matches on the weekend.

Thank you to our outgoing committee members

Thank you to Grace Hartry and Liz Ward who have both been on the committee for the past two years. Grace has been our Merchandise Manager and Liz has been our Club Secretary. They always assisted on Supporter Days and to coordinate Club events. Thank you both for your valuable contributions supporting the SPX Football Program.

After five years on the committee and two years as President, Lorna Hammond is stepping down. Lorna has passionately supported football at SPX and worked tirelessly behind the scenes and at all fundraising and community-building initiatives. She has set the standard for the committee and will be sorely missed – thank you so much, Lorna!

Thank you to our committee members

Your joint efforts have created many opportunities for the club to be able to further support the SPX Football Program. As well as creating several new ways to raise funds, you all have created opportunities for our community to come together to celebrate, support and encourage our football players.

The Football Club Committee members:

President: Matt Zanello

Vice President: Lisa Bacic

Treasurer: Geoff Linders

BBQ Team: Janis Lo, Susi Bottger, Sarah Wilson, Lisa Graham, Sarah Gadaleta

Bake Sale Team: Priscilla Safarian, Nicole Henderson

If any members of our football community would like to join the Football Committee for 2024, please get in touch with Matt on

 SPX Football Supporters Committee

Winter Squash  

Results 19 August

  • Round 5 will be played next Saturday 26 August at the usual times.
  • Special mentions: A great battle was played between SPX 2 and SPX 3. Congratulations to these players: Oliver Mullen, Dylan Moore, Michael Krizan and Max Spurr.
  • Please check the following link for any updates to times or for any other details:

Mr Justin Varjvandi - Winter Squash Convenor


Athletics Invitational Carnival

Athletics Invitational Carnival will be occurring this Saturday, 26 August at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre (SOPAC). 


Other Invitational Carnival dates 

2 September at SOPAC

9 September at ES Marks Athletics Field, Kensington 

Athletes are to be there at least 30 minutes prior to their event start time. Please see attached program.


Training at Rotary continues, leaving school from 3:30 pm and returning by 5:30 pm as follows:

Mrs Leanne Lee – Cross Country and Athletics Convenor 


The links to register are as follows:

Please follow both the links to register for the 2023/24 season.

Please see document attached below for further registration information.

Mr David Reay - Cricket Convenor


Grading for basketball continues this week. All sessions will run after school in the college gym, finishing at 5:15 pm. 

Wherever possible, please only attend your designated grading day - last week some sessions were overcrowded, which limits the chance for each player to be seen by coaches. If you are new to basketball, please attend the lower range grading day.

(Note: Year 7 grading will continue based on the team they played in for the final week of grading games in Term 1 – see attached file for team lists)

Please see below for your allotted session times

Year 7 Teams 1 - 3: Tuesday 29/8

Year 7 Teams 4 - 7: Wednesday 30/8

Year 7 Team 8 - 11: Thursday 31/8

Year 8 (U14) A - D: Friday 1/9

Year 8 (U14) E - H: Tuesday 5/9

Year 9 (U15) A - D: Wednesday 6/9

Year 9 (U15) E - H: Wednesday 23/8 and Thursday 7/9

Year 10 (U17) A - C: Thursday 24/8 and Friday 8/9

Year 10 (U17) D - F: Friday 25/8 and Tuesday 12/9

Opens: Wednesday 13/9 (for any players not already graded in the 1sts, 2nds, or a nominated team)

Mr Daniel Garrett - Basketball Convenor


From the Basketball Committee

Students need to be registered to play. 

Registration can be completed at and closes on 26 August. If you can remember, the nominated team should be that which the boys played with last year. If unsure, you may select N/A.

The first round of regular season fixtures is expected to commence on 21 October (Week 2 Term 4). Once the ISA provides a finalised schedule, we will look to confirm the time of all home games to assist with Saturday morning family logistics. 

The committee will be looking for parent volunteers to help with basketball related tasks during the upcoming season. Please put your hand up to assist with the Oxford Falls canteen and or scoring for home games. 

Basketball Committee