Parent & Student Matters 

  • College Tuition Fees
  • Splinters, Splashes, Sounds, Stage, Snaps and Stories
  • Winter and Other sport photos
  • Purchasing Summer Sports and Cocurricular photos
  • History
  • Languages
  • Science
  • English
  • Kokoda Expedition 2024 Expressions of Interest
  • Lights Camera Pius! Film Festival 2023
  • Maths Drop-In

College Tuition Fees

A gentle reminder that tuition fees are due by the end of October 2023.  If you have a payment arrangement with the college you do not have to do anything.  

If you wish to discuss your account, please contact the Finance Office on 7254 5415 or email

Mr Lachlan Skeen - Business Manager

Splinters, Splashes, Sounds, Stage, Snaps and Stories

The annual exhibition from our talented Year 12 students will be held during Week 6 at our Chatswood campus on Thursday 24 August from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.

Major works from the following subjects will be presented: Drama, Design and Technology, History Extension, Music 1, Music 2, Industrial Technology, Photography, Video and Digital Imaging and Visual Arts.

Everyone is welcome.

Winter and Other Sport Photos

On Tuesday 29 August, the Winter Sports and Other photos will be taken during Periods 1 – 4. Sports and Other photos include, Rugby, Football, Boxercise, Robotics, Tennis, Cross Country, Athletics, Chess, Public Speaking, Debating, Duke of Edinburgh, Senior Mentors, Eucharistic Ministers, Edmund Rice Society, Prefects, College Leaders, Captains of Sport (Year 12 only) and Sports House Captains. (See Attachment).

Photos that require students to be wearing their school uniform will be taken first. All boys need to make sure they bring the appropriate sports uniform for their sports to be worn, as well as their ID card.

Year 10 Students must bring their school uniform with them if their photo requires them to do so and then can get changed for their triple PE lessons down at Oxford Falls. 

Purchasing Summer Sports and Cocurricular Photos

If you wish to order any photos from the summer sports and cocurricular photo day please follow these instructions:

  • To view and order Sports and Co curricular photos please go to:
  • Click on “SCHOOLS”
  • Password is: archer

Ms Leisa Proc - General Coordinator


Congratulations to Michael Cheah, Year 9

In Term 2 all Mandatory History students in Years 9 and 10 took part in the Australian History Competition. Over 30,000 students across the country enter the competition either in the Year 7/8  or Year 9/10 paper. The papers have 50 multiple choice questions based on the Australian Curriculum.

It is with great pleasure that we congratulate Michael Cheah of Year 9 who received the awards of both the New South Wales and Australian Champion for 2023. He achieved a perfect score and was presented at Monday's Assembly with a specially minted medallion, a leather bound portfolio and a cash prize. This is an outstanding achievement of which Michael and his two History teachers,  Mrs Casamento and Mr Kovacic, can be very proud.

Other results will be received this week and will be published next week.

Mr Pat Rodgers - History/Legal Studies Coordinator


Year 8 Chinese Yum Cha Experience

Did you know that ‘Yum cha' is the Cantonese way of saying, 'take tea'? While a very familiar word, not all our students have had the opportunity to experience the Chinese way of stopping for a light refreshment and taking tea during the early part of the day. 

Throughout this term, the Year 8 Elective Chinese elective classes have been working on a unit of work called, 'Let’s Go to Yum cha!'. Students learn about Chinese food and the etiquette associated with dining in traditional Chinese communities. To develop the students’ cultural understanding and appreciation, last week the Sarto Centre was transformed into a Chinese restaurant, complete with dining tables, Chinese tea and even 2 servers to take orders from the students. Each Year 8 Chinese class had the opportunity to try a variety of popular Chinese dishes and practice their Chinese, ordering their preferred dishes in the language. It was a great opportunity to role-model a real-life experience for the students.

Congratulations to all the Year 8 Chinese classes who participated. Their behaviour was exemplary, making it a positive and valuable learning experience for everyone involved. It was wonderful to see the students building their confidence speaking Mandarin and applying classroom practise into real life situations. Everyone enjoyed the variety of foods, with many of our students experiencing something new for the first time. Please enjoy the photos from the day.

Special thanks to Ms Beryl Li from our Languages Department for organising the experience for the boys. 

Ms Leanne Lee – Languages Coordinator 


SPX SCIENCE WEEK - Innovation: Powering Future Industries

This week we are celebrating SPX Science Week. The theme this year is Innovation - Powering Future Industries. Some of the activities enjoyed by students have been making wind turbines, making water pumps and an Innovation-themed Quizziz. Thank you to the Year 12 students and Science Staff who assisted each day and to all the students who came along for the Science, the prizes and the food surprises.


The Science Experience 

The Science Experience is a nationwide STEM outreach program for students in Year 9 and 10.

Each program is designed to provide students who have an interest in science with an opportunity to engage in a wide range of fascinating science activities under the guidance of scientists who love their work.

There are three upcoming programs in NSW: 

Macquarie University:  4-6 October 2023

Meet passionate scientists and get hands-on with science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

University of Technology, Sydney:  26-28 September 2023

Various hands-on and fun science, maths and technology activities.

University of New England:  16-18 January 2024 (for students in Year 10 and 11 in 2024)

You will immerse yourself in a world of science, see their science facilities, learn from leading scientists and participate in various workshops. (Students will be able to stay in one of UNE's colleges on campus - accommodation and meals are an additional cost.)


The cost for the programs are as follows:

1 day program:  $72.00

2 day program: $150.00

3 day program: $210.00

There may be an opportunity to receive Rotary sponsorship towards the cost of these programs.  

For more information please visit

Phone:  03 9756 7534.

Mrs Joanne Schuster - Science Coordinator


Which famous Australian poet attended St Pius X College?

That's right, Francis Webb. St Pius X's 255th student and a Chatswood local!

If you’ve never heard of Francis Webb, then the reading of his poetry at Chatswood Library this Saturday at 2:30 pm is the perfect opportunity to learn more about this prodigious talent. The event will showcase his work through poetry reading by scholars, poets and two students, representing his alma maters. This year, we are proudly represented by our newly elected prefect, Michael Krizan and CBHS will be represented by Louis Gorrell, who, in Year 6 earns the record as the youngest reader in the event's 11 year history.

Francis Webb (1925-1973) joined St Pius X College in 1938 as a 1st grader (Year 7). His talent for poetry was apparent in his school years. Br Carter commented in the 1949 Collegian that Webb had a mania for poetry with an ambition to be published in the Bulletin newspaper. 

In those days our school only went to the Intermediate level (Year 10), so Webb journeyed across the newly completed Harbour Bridge to Christian Brothers’ Lewisham (CBHS) to attain his leaving certificate.  Webb came 2nd in the State in English and achieved his ambition to be published in The Bulletin at 17 with his epic poem, ‘A Drum for Ben Boyd’, receiving great acclaim. The Bulletin’s critic wrote, 'it was major effort of creation', requiring 'a largeness of mind, a largeness of heart, a largeness of vision'.

Webb is often described as a poet's poet, 'his verse has been the gold standard by which complex poetic language has been judged,' (Les Murray). His Catholic upbringing and firm faith was a rich source of spiritual and meditative purposefulness in his life and poetry. 

However, Webb's success as a poet, is shadowed by the tragedy in his personal life. Webb lost his mother at the age of two and because his father suffered from chronic depression, he lived with his paternal grandparents in Johnson Street, Chatswood. Webb himself later suffered from schizophrenia.

It is a time to reflect upon the past students who like Webb, one Australia's greatest poets, have walked our walks. This is an inspiration for our current students whose young lives are in the making. 

Join me in supporting Michael, 2:30 pm at Chatswood Library. Reserve a seat here & learn more about Francis Webb here

Mrs Karen Keighery - Library and Information Services Coordinator

Kokoda Track Expedition 2024 – Expressions of Interest

After a very successful information night, we are now taking expressions of interest for participation in our 2024 expedition and anticipate training to begin later in the year. The dates for the expedition are:

Monday 1 July – Thursday 11 July 2024

The expedition is open to all students who will be in Year 9 to Year 11 in 2024 and their families.

In the past we have had fathers and sons, mothers and sons, uncles, brothers and sisters.

Expressions of interest can be made via the following link.

Mr Paul de Silva - Outdoor Education Coordinator

Lights, Camera Pius! Film Festival 2023

The annual film festival is only a couple of weeks away and excitement is building. Anyone with entries yet to be submitted is encouraged to do so as soon as possible. The final date for submissions is  Friday 25 August. 

This week tickets (free) are being released to staff, Year 12 and Film Festival Committee members and entrants. Remaining tickets will be released for Year 7-10 students on Friday. The festival will be held on Friday 31 August from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm at Hoyts Chatswood Westfield Cinema 1.

Ms Frances Doyle - Visual Arts Coordinator

Maths Drop-In



Maths Drop-In continues each Tuesday and Thursday morning 7:40 am – 8:30 am in C1. 

These sessions are open to all students from Years 7-12 and are an ideal way to receive extra help, to do additional study or to complete homework. It is a great way to study with a friend and get ahead. Just simply turn up with your Maths books. Come along and be a part of the team in C1.



FRIDAYS 8:00 am – 8:40 am 

Drop-in to 5 Gold for help with difficult mathematics concepts or general homework.  This is an ideal place where students can come and feel comfortable to ask questions. Students are encouraged to bring along specific queries, tasks, assessments, homework, general revision and problems to work on, with Mrs Fileman on hand, ready to help.

Mrs Amanda Fileman - Mathematics Teacher