Pastoral Care 

  • 2024 Student Leadership Team Training and Retreat
  • Mr Mark Casey's final Rugby game

2024 Student Leadership Team Training and Retreat

The Student Leadership Team 2024 elect have gathered this week at our Workul Koo Retreat Centre at Wamberal to Listen, Learn, Reflect, Plan and Discern the form their tenure of leadership of the college will take.

Enjoying the beautiful surrounds of Darkinjung Country and celebrating our story and examples of Gospel Spirituality, Liberating through education, demonstrating Justice and Solidarity and enhancing an Inclusive Community through models of servant leadership, students were reminded of the great privilege and challenge they are charged with in terms of responsible transformational leadership of our school community over the coming year. 

On Tuesday the students further developed their ability to articulate the message, themes, mottos and symbols of their tenure of leadership while participating in James Cummins' Positivity Project Ice Bath challenge and the SPX Old Boys sponsored Speechcraft course.

We enjoyed seeing the team articulate their vision for the College to Mr Ronchetti when he arrived on Wednesday night.

On Wednesday the Student Leadership Team visited our closest EREA School: St Edmund's at Wahroonga. It is important for our student leaders-elect to understand that we are part of a greater network than we may realise in EREA and Edmund Rice Education globally, and that the values and faith we celebrate are shared beyond our school fence and borders.

After a fallow time to prepare for Year 11 Examinations we will resume our Speechcraft Course through the holidays.  This will link to Edmund Rice Beyond Borders schools in Stella Maris Uruguay and The Abbey, Ireland, and preparing for our Student Leaders' Investiture on 26 October and subsequent Speechcraft Graduation Dinner with their parents.

The Student Leadership Team-elect 2024 is:

Mr Mark Casey’s last Schoolboy Rugby Coaching match

A breezy day greeted St Pius X Rugby teams for our final round of the ISA Rugby season at sunny St Greg’s in Campbelltown. 

After years of dedicated coaching at St Leo’s, Joeys and now St Pius X, the 14As fixture saw Mr Casey coach his final schoolboy rugby match.

A classic case study played to the final whistle from a highly respected, hard as nails, Roosters junior, Newtown Jets 1st Grader and former College Captain of St Mary’s Cathedral Christian Brothers College.

His final words to the 14As? 'The way you all stood up and played today… rugby was the winner!'  Bravo Mr Casey.

Best wishes to our 16s and Opens players, some of whom similarly played their final match for the College on Saturday.

Mr Sean Brannan - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care