
Careers Newsletter

It is a busy time of year, with Year 12 students completing HSC Trial examinations, retreats and tertiary institution open days happening most weekends in the month of August. A reminder to Year 12 students to make sure they apply to the School’s Recommendation Scheme (if available) for any of the courses they have put down as a UAC preference within the UAC site. If you haven’t attended an open day, make a plan to do so this coming weekend. Year 10 students interested in TVET courses are encouraged to submit their expression of interest to Mr Madani by the end of the month.


In this week’s newsletter:

  • 5 work experience ideas for high school students who love writing
  • 7 tips to protect yourself from workplace bullying
  • How to become a Surveyor
  • Academic Ranking of World Universities for 2023
  • Applying to university – the basics

Mr Joseph Madani - Careers Advisor