Inside the Classroom


Class 19 has been studying the design process in Design and Technology. They have researched, designed and created Cricut patterns that were transferred to calico dilly bags. 

Learning to cook a healthy meal is a very important skill that is practiced every week on Campus. Classes take turns to cook and serve a meal for everyone and then we join together for a Campus lunch in the kitchen. We have enjoyed chicken and leek pies, Thai green curry, steak sandwiches as well as tuna and vegetable bake.

Classes have also been "cooking up" some great Science experiments. Class 21 studied the reaction of bicarb soda with sugar to make a yummy honeycomb, while Class 20 explored non-Newtonian fluids with Oobleck. Oobleck is cornstarch and water that when mixed together can act like a solid and a liquid. (Yes, there is a Dr. Seuss book about it!!)

PCYC Fit for Life and Functional Fitness for Sport remains a crowd favourite - especially when the sun is shining. We have also enjoyed the interactive multi-ball system in the gym.


Mrs Kate Griffen

Head Teacher Campus



Primary classes have enjoyed being involved in some of the many activities throughout the school over the past few weeks. Class 13 made the most of the recent curiosity day. They found looking at the historical items  and science activities very interesting.

Class 5 have been very busy in their classroom and getting out and about in the community. They are making great progress with their teachers.

Class 12 have been learning about what heat does to different things including cheese.

They have also been working on gross motor skills in the school gym.

Class 6 got into character for the Book Week parade and have also been enjoying accessing the spa.


Mrs Kari Priest

Assistant Principal Primary

Stage 4

Stage 4 students have had a blast exploring Orange business district. Last week, they enjoyed a scenic picnic lunch in the beautiful Botanic Gardens. Combining mindfulness with mathematics, they practiced creating angles with their bodies. The students navigated the paths and had a wonderful time exploring the various sections of the gardens.

In Week 6, the students embarked on a cultural and artistic adventure. They visited the Museum, which showcased an exhibition on the history of the Central West, including the Agricultural Shows. The students had a great time exploring the displays and even got to participate in hands-on activities in the agricultural section. Mrs. Huggett also introduced the students to some stunning artwork by local artists, including her own creations. The students eagerly asked questions and engaged with the different artworks.

Our stage 4 students are not just learners, they are creators as well. They have been collaborating to build various types of structures.

 Josh has been particularly proactive in our Morning Routine, using the Interactive Whiteboard to engage with the class. Class 16 had a fun and educational time learning about bubbles with Mrs. Griffen and exploring different types of bread and poo on Curiosity Day! We also celebrated Book Week, and Brock received the class costume award.

In a vibrant two-week exploration, Class 14 delved into the art of Haiku poetry, a cherished Japanese tradition known for its elegant simplicity. The classroom buzzed with creativity as students handcrafted sushi from scratch, mirroring the precision of their poetic learning.

With nimble fingers, they rolled and assembled ingredients, fusing flavours like the verses of a Haiku. A medley of authentic Japanese snacks delighted their taste buds, providing a delectable glimpse into the rich tapestry of Japanese cuisine.

The journey continued on-screen with an enlightening documentary about Japan, sparking a lively class discussion that unveiled the country's intricate tapestry of history and customs.

Class 14's dedication to this immersive cultural experience embodies the spirit of exploration and camaraderie. Through Haiku, sushi, and shared insights, they've woven lasting memories that celebrate the beauty of diverse traditions. Kudos to Class 14 for their inspiring journey!


Mrs Billie-Jo Rutten

Stage 4 Leader

Stage 5

Curiosity Clubs are in full swing this term. The iStem group has been looking at coding and robotics to solve a problem. They have used bee bots to code it through the maze and using LEGO Mindstorms to code the builds for it to pick something up, stop at a line and stop at different colours. The Design and Tech group has been learning safe ways to use a variety of different tools. With the warmer weather this week, they are hoping to plant their spring vegetable crop. 

Our stage celebrated Science Week with some fun learning activities. Classes 9 and 22 have been investigating chemical reactions and completed the Bouncy Egg experiment. We covered an egg in vinegar and left for 24-48 hours to discover that the shell had dissolved and the egg could now bounce. The results were equally surprising and disgusting!

We also visited the Regional Museum to investigate how flight has been instrumental to the history of the Orange Show. Students learned about how planes fly, and then used this knowledge to make and test paper planes to see who could get their plane to fly the longest and furthest.

Mrs Elke Cunial

Assistant Principal Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 6 students enjoyed 'Curiosity Day' last week. They loved learning about how technology has changed over the years and how bubbles can be manipulated into different shapes!

Class 3 students have resumed their work experience at Wangarang and enjoyed learning lots of new skills. 

Stage 6 Technology life skills have been exploring virtual reality and augmented reality and it's uses in everyday life. Students really enjoyed the VR experience!


Mrs Jess Hodder 

Assistant Principal Stage 6