Student Engagment

VERTO Barista Course

Students from Stages 5 and 6 were offered an exciting opportunity to gain knowledge and skills about the food industry and using an espresso machine. After a wonderful experience last year, which led to some students finding work in the hospitality and food service sectors - everyone was excited to have the chance to take part and get involved.


Over four days, 13 students worked incredibly hard to learn the theory behind food handling and safety as well as barista skills such as grinding coffee, making espressos and steaming milk. 


Students who completed the course will be presented with three statements of attainment to add to their resumes. 


Some students started off a bit anxious to handle the espresso machine (who wouldn’t be? It’s full of very hot steam!) but with the gentle guidance of VERTO trainer Linda, they were soon confident and creating delicious cappuccinos, mochas and short blacks - just to name a few!


Personal highlights include the flat white Kruz Carnie made for me, complete with a latte art heart. It was very yummy Kruz! 


We are thankful to the REIP Program for funding such an incredible opportunity.


Liam Low

Engagement Officer