Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Wellbeing for Learning - PWL

Recently the wellbeing team hosted a whole school day of fun and interactive activities to promote curiosity in our learning. Students investigated a variety of common household tools and appliances ranging in age and compared them to their modern-day replacements. They had the chance to explore how an old gramophone had to be wound up to play music compared to the ease of a modern Bluetooth device. 


A popular activity was inspired by the popular children's book by Gareth Conway "Did You Do This Poo?" Students tried to match the animal with their excrement with many and varied responses.


Students also had the chance to get curious about all the different types of bread available touching and tasting many different varieties.


We finished the day with a very exciting and competitive whole-school Kahoot quiz created and hosted by Mrs van Bockhom Maas. This was such a fun and educational event that by popular demand it will return very second Friday afternoon.



Mrs Rosser

Deputy Principal


Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

When students display positive behaviours at school they receive various rewards. Each classroom has a reward system which students earn by following classroom expectations.


On the playground, junior students earn rewards for helping each other, playing safely, following staff directions, packing away equipment and finishing play when the bell rings. Junior students receive a tangible reward of a plain rice cracker and claps from their peers.


Senior students who are acknowledged as being safe, responsible and respectful on the playground are rewarded with a sticker to add to their individual PBL Shopping Card. When a student has 10 stickers saved on a card they can either spend it at the PBL Shop or save up their cards for bigger items at the shop.


When appropriate and expected behaviours are displayed and rewarded, these behaviours are more likely to be repeated and continued. We encourage all students to be responsible, safe and respectful in all environments.


PBL Stars:

Libby, Jonah, Marcus, Erica, Chelsea M, Leilani,  Evelyn, Tom C, Sophie, Sonja, Alex Reid, Bodhi, Daisy


Congratulations to these students who have been identified as responsible, safe and respectful students.


Julie Hudson

PBL Coordinator

Deputy Principal

National Day Against Bullying and Violence


The 18th August was National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. and this day promotes the importance of student connectedness and sense of belonging, helping students feel accepted, respected, included and supported.

Stage 6 student Jonah, proudly created this poster to promote the day.