Anson in Review

NESA Auslan K-10 Syllabus Launch at NSW Parliament House

We were privileged to be one of 5 schools in the state invited to the NSW Parliament for the launch of the NSW Auslan K-10 Syllabus. Deputy Premier and Education Minister Pru Car and Emma Watson of Wiggle fame spoke at the launch. 


Our School Captain Charlie Banham, Stage 5 Student Representative Thomas Conolly, Mrs Bree Smith, Support Officer and Mrs Jess Hodder, Assistant Principal accompanied me to Sydney for the historic event.



We were also fortunate to meet up with Mr Phillip Donato whilst we were at Parliament House.


Thank you to NESA for inviting us and covering our transport and accommodation so that we could be part of this wonderful event.


Melanie Meers


Winners are Drummers

This week our secondary percussion group performed bucket drumming to the song 'This is the greatest show' at the Orange Eisteddfod. All of the students performed extremely well and took out first place. Such a proud moment for staff!

Mr Tabbernor, Mr Gross, Mrs Corcoran and Miss Bree

Stage 5 Staff

Wear It Purple Day

Wear It Purple Day is held on the last Friday in August each year and strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for LGBTQIA+ young people.

On Friday 25 August we wore purple accessories in support and Stage 6 made a video to share their thoughts with our school community. 

Check it out on Facebook

Jodie Pritchard

Deputy Principal

Education Week and Book Week Parade

Anson Street School kicked off Book Week celebrations with a parade on the oval. A best dressed award was presented to each class at a whole school assembly.

Education Week was celebrated at an assembly that was held after the parade. Special guests Duncan Auld, Director; Mrs Pam Ryan, School Patron; parents and carers attended. Each student received a commemorative certificate to celebrate 175 years of public education. Staff were also nominated for special awards which were presented at assembly. Thanks to all the parents, carers and friends who attended.

See Facebook for a video of the Book Week Parade