Student Wellbeing and Engagement

JLC Social Emotional Learning - Agreed practices:

In each area of the school we have documented our agreed practices related to the teaching of social and emotional literacy (SEL). The following is an example related to the JLC. 

  • Each class engages in at least a 1-hour lesson of SEL each week run by the classroom teacher.
  • Lessons are explicitly planned for and documented in the Projects planner.
  • The structure of the lesson aligns with the SRPS Instructional Model, as detailed in the Key Models for Our Work document.
  • Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for SEL are displayed in each classroom.
  • A student created ‘Zones of Regulation’ display needs to be present in every classroom and developed during Topic 2: “Emotional Literacy” each year.
  • SEL learning is supported by:
    • All topics being integrated into other learning domains where appropriate
    • Daily circle time to build and maintain relationships
    • Additional SEL lessons being planned to address specific class needs 
    • Restorative circles being used as needed to address issues that arise in the classroom and yard.



Mrs Mary Sampieri

 Wellbeing Leader

Springvale Campus)