Curriculum Programs
Springvale Campus - Physical Education Program
Term 3 P.E. has been busy especially for the Senior Learning Centre who have started Summer Interschool Sport and commenced their swimming program.
In Term 3 our FLC students have been learning to move their bodies and use a ball correctly in game situations. They have increased their ability to bounce and kick a ball to a target or another student.
The JLC students have continued to improve their fitness and are learning about increasing their heart rate. They have also had a lot of fun developing their evading skills which have been useful when playing soccer.
The MLC students have been focusing on their volleyball skills in the past couple of weeks. They are learning to serve, dig and set in preparation for interschool sport next year. They have also been focusing on teamwork, in particular, developing their ability to work with their teammates to achieve a goal.
Congratulations to all the students that represented Springvale Rise Primary School at SSV Winter Division Finals.
Vincent Coad
Physical Educaiton Teacher
(Springvale Campus)