A Spotlight on Learning
Heights Campus
A Spotlight on Learning
Heights Campus
The MLC students have started learning to apply subtraction and additive thinking skills in Mathematics using decimals. They are developing their skills in adding and subtracting a range of numbers and using a variety of strategies to solve problems. The students have focused on lining up their vertical equations properly to make sure their decimal points are in the correct position.
In Reading, our students have been working on asking and answering questions about the text to get a deeper understanding. The students have been reading ‘Strangers on Country’ written by Kirsty Murray. Kirsty will be visiting our school soon for Book Week and we can’t wait to ask her questions and think even deeper when she provides us with more insight into the text.
In Writing students have been busy writing their own blogs online. The students have enjoyed researching about different landmarks to blog about. They have then shared their learning with their friends, outlining the interesting and fun activities that they would do if they were to visit the landmark in real life.
During Projects students have been investigating the structure of our Earth. Students have engaged in some hands-on learning while creating models to show the layers of a volcano, and looking at how volcano eruptions occur.
Ms Christie Hall
Learning Centre Leader and Acting Sub-School Team Leader (Leading Teacher)
(Heights Campus)