Learning and Teaching

Literacy and Numeracy Week               

What a wonderful final week we had last term!!

From the Andy Griffith’s Book launch to the Book                        Character Parade to our shared reading of Xeno Sworder’s  “My Incredible Shrinking Parents” to the Book Swap to our Buddy reading sessions to Digital Literacy Activities to readings from different teachers, to our Word of the Year competition (KINDNESS won!!)  to our wonderful book creations...it was go, go, go and a whole lot of fun!


On Wednesday, The Book Character Parade had everyone smiling. We had a range of amazing costumes from students and staff. Special mentions go to Jesus (yes Jesus!) our colourful fish, our very scary Grandma/Wolf, our minions, our Hermiones and Harry Potters, our Wimpy Kids and our beautiful Barbies! Thank you to the parents and students for your enthusiasm and creativity with costumes which resulted in a very successful morning, superbly hosted by the inquisitive Lexie and Joseph.


Staff thoroughly enjoyed going to other classrooms during the week to read their favourite stories. It was fantastic to watch the children responding to different faces and voices...and seeing staff in a different setting.  Similarly, the Book Swap was lovely to be a part of. Children were heard making such positive remarks about their ‘new books’ and it was a delight to see the joy of giving.



Thank you to all students, parents and staff for actively participating in all of our celebrations in Literacy and Numeracy week. Weeks like this are what make our school so very special. 

Marathon Club       

Have you ever been wondering about what we do at Marathon Club? 

St John’s Marathon Club starts next week on Tuesday 10 October at 7:45 in the morning, finishing at 8:30am each Tuesday and Thursday. Marathon Club is fun because you get to hang out with your friends and have a good time. It’s good for your health and it helps you with your fitness. It is a great way to exercise. You also get a great breakfast of toast and milo. On your toast you can have butter, jam or vegemite!!


Every Tuesday and Thursday we walk or run up to Halliday Park and do laps. 

It’s only $10 to help pay for the breakfast for the term. 

There’s also a member’s t-shirt that you can buy for $10 to wear while you are running. (You can change into your school uniform before school starts.) 

We’d love to see you in Term 4!


Love from The Marathon Club.


**Remember to check the Skoolbag app messages for cancellation announcements.**