Religious Dimension

Welcome to Term 4

Welcome back everyone.

We are now entering in to our final quarter of the year with more daylight, warmer weather and spring flowers surrounding us.  We look forward to what will be an exciting term ahead of us with the sacrament of Reconciliation being celebrated by our Year 3 students, Thanksgiving/graduation mass being planned for our Year 6 Students exiting our school and of course a major focus will be the liturgical season of Advent in preparation for Christmas.  These are just a few to mention, which will be happening for us at St. John's Primary School.

Sunday's Gospel Reading

This parable in Matthew 21: 28-32, which was part of the Gospel reading at Sunday's mass is one that feels like a trick question when we are asked of it.  Which son did what his father asked? The first son replied, "No" when asked to work in the vineyard, but eventually went.  The second son replied, "Yes" but never went to help.  Obviously the first son did eventually do what he was asked, but was it right of him to say "No" in the beginning?  This reminded me of the patience we need to have when we are dealing with all God's people.  At times our actions, behaviour and responses are not what is required of us but with patience, time and love things can turn around.   Who do you pray for in your life for that 'turn around' or change of heart.  I wonder how we should respond in these challenging times.  Parenting is a gift but can be 'tricky' at times and we gave thanks for our God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for guiding us through these times. 




Come along on the 3rd Thursday of the Month at 11am  to the St John’s Parish Playgroup.

Location: St John’s Church Narthex

When: 21st September at 11am

Children aged 0-5  with their care providers for one hour of play, fun and connection. 

Please register your interest in attending with the parish office at 9401 6366 or by Tuesday, 19 September. 


Important Dates:

Reconciliation Parent Information eveningWednesday, October 11The Coghlan Centre
Commitment Mass for Year 3 Reconciliation

Term 4

Saturday, October 14 at 6pm

or Sunday October 14 at 10am

St. John's Church

Year 5 Weekend  Level Mass 

St. James and St. John's

Sunday, November 5 at 11:15amSt. John's Church

Prayers for peace and love always


Melinda Buscema (Deputy/REL)