Principal's Page

'A Welcoming Community Leading the Future of Learning with Faith and Love'

A Message from the Principal

Welcome to Term 4 and what a beautiful sunny start we have had. It is always great to see the smiling faces of our students as they return for the start of a new term, ready to learn and connect with their peers once again. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to take some long service leave and travel to Japan over the holiday break. It is a beautiful country with a rich history, culture and varied traditions. 

I loved trying all of the fresh food dishes on offer, exploring the cities, rural landscapes and traditional towns. I enjoyed many long walks including the Nakasendo Trail, cycling around islands, sleeping in a traditional house and seeing the sumo wrestling. It was certainly a great learning experience for me. I am very grateful for the support of Melinda Buscema and my leadership team, who ensured the smooth running of the school in my absence.

It has been lovely hearing all about the student's holiday adventures too and to see how much they have all grown. This Term will be another busy one with the St John's Community Fete in November, Year 3/4 swimming, mini mission stalls and all of the end of year celebrations.


We are so grateful for the exciting end to Term 3 with the school production and Literacy and Numeracy Week. The Book Week parade was a highlight and the students enjoyed all of the rich and engaging activities on offer. Please take a look at the School Production Page and Learning and Teaching pages for photos and summaries.

Summer Uniform 

With the warmer weather in Term 4 the students may wear their Summer uniform and hats. This may be either the summer dress or shorts and the short sleeved polo top. Black school shoes and navy blue socks are to be worn also.

There is a one week crossover period and all student's should be wearing their Summer Uniform by next Monday, 9 October. Hats must be worn outside at lunch and recess time. Anyone who doesn't have their hat at school will be restricted to the shade of the passive play area. Please ensure that all uniform items are clearly named.

School Times

The gates and doors will be open each morning at 8.30am. Staff will be on duty at this time to supervise students in the playground. Please do not drop your child at school prior to 8.30am. Camp Australia before and after school care is available for students outside of school hours. All students should be at school no later than 8.45am so that they are ready to begin the day with the whole class and be present for marking the morning roll.

Pick-up time is at 3.20pm from either the back playground or at the front of the school. 

Working Bee 

We will be having a whole school working bee on Saturday 14 October, from 10.00am - 1.00pm. This time will be used to weed the gardens, mulch the playground and blower vac the yard. Families receive a $50 reimbursement on their school fees for attendance at one working bee per year.

Your support would be greatly appreciated. Please bring along your wheel barrow, spade, blower vac, rake and lots of energy. Children are welcome to attend. 

Japanese Thought for the Week

  The most important time in life is always the present.


I wish you all a peaceful, creative and fruitful Term 4.


Verona Gridley
