Student Achievement Awards - 14/8/2023


Your enthusiasm and effort that you put into every task is outstanding. You are a role model to your peers, always giving 100 percent, challenging yourself and going above and beyond. When Reading, you immerse yourself into the full character, making sure to use expression. Keep up the great work!


Well done Georgia for your positive talk during Writing lessons. When publishing your story, you focused on your letter size and make sure the words were sitting beautifully on the lines. You were so proud of your hard work. Keep it up Georgia!


Viktor well done for showing such focus this week! You edited and started publishing your story with a wonderful problem and solution in great detail, whilst figuring out how to solve a range of different patterns in maths! I am so proud of your resilience and determination Viktor - Keep it up! 


Congratulations Anna on the beautiful descriptive writing you have done. You have used great words to describe your character and the house she lives in. Well done. Keep up the good work.


Well done Ellie on the great persistence and resilience you showed when writing your narrative this week. You had a great problem and a creative solution, and you worked so hard to think of adjectives to describe your character and setting. Keep up the good work Ellie! 


Ashley, you have worked really hard on drafting your narrative this week. You thought carefully about including lots of description for your character and setting and used your revising and editing time to successfully improve your punctuation. Amazing work!


Binita, well done on your wonderful learning in maths this week! You created fact families to show the relationship between addition and subtraction. You then applied your understanding to check subtraction problems using addition. Keep up the fantastic effort, Binita!


Well done Dinu for the amazing use of expression you showed last week when playing the role of the Big Bad Wolf in your reading group. You followed the script carefully to know when to speak and changed the tone of your voice to match the story. Awesome effort!


Congratulations Harika on your wonderful book response to the text 'My Place.' Your description of your family picking oranges and quinces and swimming in the river was beautifully written and was a heartfelt description of your 'place' New Zealand. Well done.


Congratulations and thank you Floria for consistently demonstrating such delightful manners and respecting all your teachers, peers and visitors to Syndal South. You take on all school responsibilities with pride and maturity and are an exceptional role model and support to your class members and friends. Awesome Syndal Star!


Congratulations Dany on an excellent week. You have been a wonderful class member sharing your knowledge and asking insightful questions in class. Keep up being a responsible learner. Well done!


Congratulations Selena for your attention to detail. You always present your work neatly and methodically work on your goals in all areas of learning. I have especially enjoyed reading your writing as you are great at varying your sentences to engage the reader. Keep up the fantastic work! You are a super star!


Congratulations to Aashrit for demonstrating great leadership skills during class time. He always uses a gentle and encouraging voice when interacting with his classmates. This week Aashrit has worked actively within his script writing group. His contributions have assisted the group in producing three engaging scene descriptions for their ‘Gold Star Nugget’ play.


Congratulations on the amazing performance of your group's script during writing. Your expressions brought your character to life and enthralled us all. You have a great skill in storytelling, and this was further demonstrated during your reading of Xiao Xin Be Careful! Fantastic effort, Leo.


Congratulations Alex on always working hard towards your learning goals. You always put in 110% to learning new concepts and seek help from the teacher or peers if you are unsure. Keep up the excellent work Alex!

Senior PEZiyao 

Congratulations Ziyao on a fantastic P.E lesson. You showed great enthusiasm with your basketball dribbling and never gave up when practicing your shooting, resulting in you to score a few goals. Great work Ziyao, fantastic effort.

Junior PEUsman 

Congratulations Usman on a great P.E lesson. You were able to demonstrate the correct dribbling technique and made sure you were looking forward whilst keeping the basketball at your hip height. Fantastic work Usman!