Student Gallery

Our Year 3 students explored the Polly Woodside today.

Year 1's were doing real life graphing using Woolworths Wonder cards as their data.  Each group came up with the way they graphed their own cards from the packets.  Lots of maths conversations were happening.

In Art the Year 5's have been learning all about the artist Wayne Thiebaud who is well known for his oil paintings of sweet treats. After taking inspiration from his artworks, the Year 5 artists developed skills in using colour and value to depict form of cupcakes and created these masterpieces using oil pastel and a huge amount of skill. 🎨 

Year 3 students used stop watches to time a partner while they walk around the oval.  Students then converted their time from minutes to seconds.

During Science week students enjoyed the Mad About Science incursion.

For Science Week students invited their parents to join them in their class to watch and assist with their science experiments.

Year 3 students had to find a meaningful main idea or message within a text or short passage.

To celebrate Book Week students were privileged to have Sher Rill Ng in to share her beautiful books. Students heard about her life as a digital illustrator and they even got to draw.

Our Foundation students had a go at opinion writing.