Principal's Report

by Helen Freeman

From Science Week to celebrating Book Week this week. Science Week celebrations were a great success. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who were able to come and join our junior scientists engaging in some amazing experiments. 


Moving onto Book Week, the students all enjoyed an informative and interactive presentation by author and illustrator Sher Rill. Leading up to the Sher Rill’s presentation all classes had enjoyed reading two of her books; 'Be Careful, Xiao Xin' and 'Our Little Inventor.' Sher Rill spoke to the students about how she became an illustrator and how long it takes to illustrate a book. She also highlighted that it is part of the process to make mistakes. Sher Rill carefully stepped the students through their own directed drawing experience of the main character in the book 'Be Careful, Xiao Xin' Xiao Xin. 


Tomorrow we have our ‘Book Character Parade’ at 9.00 am, hopefully it is a fine morning so that we can hold the parade out on the netball court.

Capital Works Update

The concreter’s preparation work is now complete for the second concrete pour, which will go ahead tomorrow. The next slabs cover the remainder of the main building and then the library.


As there will could be a number cement trucks delivering the concrete tomorrow, It is recommended that students use the Vasey Street or Doynton Parade gates when arriving and leaving school tomorrow.

Digital Technology Parent Information Night 

As part of the school’s Digital Learning Policy in particular the school’s commitment to promoting safe, responsible, and discerning use of digital technologies by our students we have invited Senior Sargent Jaclyn Mahood and Graham Higgerson from the Proactive Policing Unit to come and speak to parents of students in Years 3 to 6 on Wednesday 30th August at 6.00 pm in the BER. The session will cover:

What young people SEE, SAY and DO online?

The challenges they face.

How to report and get help if things go wrong.

I strongly encourage parents to attend. Please register here.

2023 Parent Opinion Survey

Just a reminder to please complete the 2023 Parents / caregivers / guardians survey.


Thank you to the families who have completed the survey but unfortunately as of today, we only have a response rate of 11%. It is extremely important data for our school to utilise to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. It is important that we receive a high rate of returns on the survey, so that we have a broad sample of ideas and opinions. 


The survey closes on Friday 8th September 2023. The direct link to the survey was sent to all parents, carers, and guardians via Compass on Monday 14th August. I have resent the link out to all families today.

Working Bee

Finally, a reminder that we have the ‘Working Bee’ on next Saturday 2nd September from 9.00 to 11.00am.  Some of the tasks we have planned are spreading softfall mulch, removing rubbish/sticks around the school grounds and cleaning garden beds. The more people we have attend the more work will get done.  A light morning tea will be provided.  Students that attend the working bee can go into the draw to win a prize.


Have a great fortnight!
