Student Awards

Student of the Week 08/12/2023
Class | Student | Reason |
| Ella | For always trying your personal best in every task. You always stay focused on your books and are a great role model for other students. |
12C | Hunter | For consistently producing great work throughout the term. This week you have enjoyed reading a non-fiction text and sharing the information you have found. Keep up the great work! |
23R | Bonnie | For being a kind, caring friend to everyone. She always listens to others and she is patient and considerate when playing maths games and board games. |
34W | Jett | Well done for accurately retelling what you have been reading about this week Jett. You were able to explain the key information about the different types of robots. Good job! |
34S | Annie, Elijah, Emilia, Jack, Mackenzie, Maddison, Robbie and Tiana | For participating in the House Captain elections with such a great attitude!
| Myllah | For volunteering to help with Meals on Wheels and being a friendly, well-mannered representative of our school when delivering meals to people in our community.
| Lilliannah | For producing a range of creative, colourful and interesting Christmas decorations. You have also shown a responsible attitude and great leadership as you assisted junior students. A super effort.
Science | Will | This week’s Science Award goes to a hard-working student, who produced outstanding work for the topic of Lego Robotics. Congratulations to Will Emanuelli. |
Values Rohan | Jake | This week’s Values award goes to a polite, caring student, who is a great listener and always follows teacher instructions. Congratulations to Jake. |
Student of the Week 15/12/2023
Class | Student | Reason |
| Sasha | For doing a great job attempting to write multiple sentences all on your own. Keep up the good work!
12C | Jhye | For showing resilience and having a positive attitude. You have worked hard this term and finished off the year really well. You should be very proud of the learning you have completed. Well done Jhye! |
23R |
| |
34W | Sophia | Congratulations on yet another fabulous year of learning. You did an amazing job creating a Christmas menu and your presentation of your poster was excellent. Well done, Sophia!
34S | Leo | Leo, you have had an outstanding year, term and week – this week, you gathered 100 000 Mathletics points – this required a huge commitment from you, both at home and at school – ten thousand questions answered – I think that’s brilliant! |
| Stevie | For engaging in all tasks this week in a calm and efficient manner, and working well with others in your class. A great way to end the term Stevie!
| For excellence in the keys to success: effort and persistence. You have shown admirable self-awareness and commitment to your goals. Congratulations on combining these qualities with outstanding academic work and an impressive capacity for leadership.
Science | Bella & Fiona | This week’s Science Award goes to two amazing students who produced outstanding work for the topic of Natural Disasters and Sustainability. Both girls worked to the best of their ability and were helpful to others in the class. Congratulations to Bella and Fiona |
Values Rohan | Jason | This week’s Values Award goes to a wonderful student who is always kind to others, respects teachers at all times, participates in every learning task, never complains and is a joy to teach. Congratulations to Jason. |
Principals Award
Class | Term 4 |
| Ella |
| Benny |
| Lenny |
| Jessie |
| Mia and Justice |
| |
| Sieanna |
Values | Tamika |
| Brody M |
| Jason |