Principal's Address

Halfway through the term!
Welcome to Week 5 of Term 1. It is hard to believe we have already completed 4 weeks of the school year. I would like to congratulate Mr JB Mohr on his appointment to Jandowae State School. I am sure the whole school community would join me in acknowledging JB's commitment and dedication to the Moonie State School community over the years. This also means that I have been extended at Moonie until the end of Semester 1. I look forward to continuing to work with the wonderful students, staff and families in Moonie.
Principal Award
Congratulations to Josie and Harry who have been awarded the Principal Award over the last 2 weeks.
Josie Nolan - for being an excellent role model to all other students.
Harry Phelps - for being a kind and considerate friend in the playground.
P&C Meeting
Thank you to all the parents who attended the P&C meeting last week. It was wonderful to see so many parents in attendance. The P&C have committed to supporting the Year 3-6 students attend a Canberra and Snow camp later in the year. Thank you for your support.
There will also be a working bee at the school on Wednesday 21st February starting at 8.30am. Please come along and help if you can.
Cross Country Training
The Moonie State School Cross Country will take place on Thursday 28th March which is the last day of Term 1. The students have started training in the mornings before school and will have other opportunities to train during the week.
Gardening Club
On Fridays at Lunch time, I have started a gardening club with the students. We have planted some fruit and vegetables and have been weeding. The students are really enjoying this time and I have a lot of students participating. We are looking for some more fruit, vegetables and flowers to plant so if you have some cuttings or can donate some seedlings the next time you are in Bunnings the students would appreciate it. At the moment the students are growing corn, strawberries, cucumber and tomatoes.
Thank you to those parents who have been attending parade each week. The children love having their parents there. Please remember if you have any questions or want to discuss anything I am always available after parade. Next Monday I will have information for parents with children in years 3 and 5 regarding NAPLAN. If you would like more information about NAPLAN please come along for a coffee and a catch up.
Please enjoy the photos from the Leadership Ceremony.
Until next time,
Seeking information as we plan towards the future at Moonie State School.
Is your child born between July 2020 & June 2021? If so, they will be eligible for Kindy in 2025
Is your child born between July 2021 & June 2022? If so, they will be eligible for Kindy in 2026
If you answered yes to either of the above situations we would love to hear from you.
This information will be of great benefit to us planning for the future of our wonderful school.
Please phone the office on 46650133.