Grade 1/2

Mrs Laity

Term 1 has flown by! 

Last week students across the school celebrated Harmony Day. A huge thanks to Natalie and Anglicare for organising drumming sessions and 'Wildlife Xposure' to visit at no cost to families. Students all looked amazing in orange.


In Maths, students have been searching for 3 -D shapes in our environment and continuing to hone their skills counting to 100 by creating bead strings in different coloured groups of 10’s.


In English, we have been learning four ways to spell the sound /ee/, as in: tree, be, sea and funny. Students have continued to enjoy reading Julia Donaldson books, especially “Tiddler – The Story Telling Fish”.


Our Inquiry topic has focused on how we grow and change over time. Students loved sharing baby photos and trying to match them with how students look now. They then created a timeline of important milestones, the aim being to understand how they have changed and how they might change in the future. Our class are aspiring to be doctors, vets, racing car drivers, police officers, teachers, actors and dancers.