Prep News

Mrs Jo Towill

Term 1 has certainly gone by very quickly! Highlights have included the 'Preps First Day of School', 'Pancake' and 'Harmony Days', and our upcoming 'Easter Hat Parade'.


Learning in English has involved letter formation and sounds for a/i/m/s/t/n/ o/p/b/ c/g/h/d, writing and reading words, reading our take home books, and writing our first sentences. There were many squeals of delight when the students realised they could write and read their own full sentence! We have focused on several picture story books including 'Coot and Hoot', 'What's in my Lunchbox?' and 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. 

Our learning in Mathematics has covered Data, Counting, Quantity, Days of the Week, 3D shapes and Representing Numbers.  Our Inquiry topic of 'Identity' has continued to focus on our strengths, making responsible choices, setting adventurous goals and learning how to get help in the classroom and schoolyard.

In our Buddy sessions we practised our Auslan and completed some craft activities. We have continued our lessons in PE, Art and Music. We have learnt songs focusing on routines, English and Maths concepts, and a song for Harmony Day and the Easter Parade. 


Our recent Harmony Day celebrations included a session with 'Wildlife Xposure' showing a range of reptiles including snakes, lizards, frogs, a crocodile and a kookaburra. Students also participated in drumming and mindfulness art and craft. A huge thanks to Natalie from Anglicare and the Wellbeing team for donating the sessions free of charge. 



We look forward to another full and exciting Term 2! Have a great school holiday break!