Attendance Matters 

Let Children Know that Good Attendance Is Important:

  1.  Attendance is a parent and student responsibility. 
  2. Let your child know that you think attending  school daily is important. Show them you are interested in their school activities and tell them that you want them to do well in school. 
  3. Good attendance habits start an early age. Make sure your child goes to school regularly and on time. This helps them develop a positive view of school and the importance of attendance.
  4. Discuss with your student that arriving to school on time and to report to class when dropped off. 
  5. Become involved in your child’s school life and school activities.

Establish a Routine: 

  1. Give yourself and children enough time to get ready . No TV on school mornings. 
  2. Plan ahead the night before: such as identifying and pre-prepping breakfast, lay out uniform and pack backs. 
  3. Set a regular bedtime schedule 
  4. Get proper rest and go to bed early 
  5. Have your child relax before bedtime with a story, instead of the stimulation of television. 

Show interest in Student's Activities: 

  1. Attend scheduled parent teacher meetings 
  2. Volunteer for school events or nominate for school council  
  3. Make education a family priority. 
  4. Encourage your child to get more involved with their school by attending Breakfast Club, after school care.  Studies show the more involved a child and parent are with their school the better their attendance and success.  

Keep Open Lines of Communication with your Children, Teacher, Principal and School Office: 

Let the school know in advance in your child is going to be absent of if you have concerns bout your children's attendance or school performance 

Report all absences on the day the student will miss school 

If your child does not want to go to school, find out why and work with your school and child to address concerns. Let your child know he/she must attend school.