Principal News  

My how time flies! 

Term 1 has come to an end with a rush! Here we are at the end of Week 9 and about to start our holiday break.

2024 School Council Membership.  

I would like to introduce our new school council for 2024. 

  • Jennifer Barret - President/Treasurer
  • Kerry Herten - Vice President
  • Sally Herbert - Principal/Executive Officer 
  • Danielle Antoniou - Parent Member 
  • Patricia Brampton - Parent Member 
  • Elise Leerentveld - Parent Member 
  • Kylie Barron - Parent Member 
  • Joanne Towill- Department Employee 
  • Kim Laity - Department Employee 

    The school council is the governing body of the school. They have key responsibilities in setting and monitoring the school's direction in the areas of finance, strategic planning and policy development and review.  A well informed and effective school council strengthen community confidence in the school and help to build and secure the school's reputation. I look forward to working with our new school council with a continual focus on school improvement
    Staffing Update 
    We have several staff taking leave during Term 2. Steve Espenschied will be taking long service leave for Term 2 and will return in Term 3. We will announce the teacher replacement as soon as possible. Mrs. Sarah Roberts (Art teacher and Tutor) will be teaching PE on Tuesdays.
    Karyn Dickens, Brenda Lanigan and Kellie Christie will also be taking leave for part of Term 2. 

    Capital Works Update 
    The tender process has been completed and the successful tender will be announced over the next few weeks. It has been a busy few weeks decanting the library, moving furniture and resources over the MOD 5 and cleaning and decluttering.  This process has been led by Kay and Brenda (ES staff) and I would like to acknowledge the enormous contribution that they have made to this project. A huge thankyou to the parents that attended our working bee on Tuesday, 12th March.  We very much appreciate your help. Works will commence at the start of Term 2 .

Child Safe Standards: Tradespersons


Child Safe Standard 6:  Strategies to Identify and Reduce or Remove Risks of Child Abuse

With our upcoming facility upgrades occurring next term there will be an inevitable increase in the amount of tradespersons that access the BPS faculties and grounds.

In accordance with DET guidelines, BPS implement risk management assessments and strategies to ensure the safety of all students, staff, families and visitors,  including:

  • allocation of a Project Manager on all projects
  • induction of all tradespersons
  • signing in and out procedures
  • provision of additional bathroom facilities
  • clear line of communication with the Principal class at all times throughout the project

ENROLMENTS for 2025. 


We are already in planning mode for 2025. If you know any interested families that may be looking to enrol their child for next year please let us know. If you have siblings that will be commencing Prep in 2025 please contact the office for an enrolment form. To effectively inform our planning processes we require our student numbers as soon as possible.