Wellbeing & Culture

Lunar New Year








Last weekend many members of our community participated in Lunar New Year celebrations. We are so excited about this year of the Dragon, and wish good luck, love and joy to all!


Helping Hands 

Our senior students had the opportunity to train for Helping Hands yesterday, we had 52 sign-ups!  We are all excited to see so many young leaders here at CHPS and look forward to beginning our Helping Hands program on Wednesday week 4. 


Helping Hands is a leadership development, inclusivity and well-being program where senior students encourage and support students across the whole school, from preps to their peers.  Helping Hands leaders run a wide range of activities, from ball and tag games to craft and board games, to utilising our amazing ‘Nüdel Kart’.  The goal is for any student who is unsure about who to play with, what to play, or how to play with others will know they can go to Helping Hands, feel welcomed and have fun.









To help teach the younger students how to be a good friend. 

To help make the yard a safer and more inclusive place to be. 

To help students feeling left out find belonging. 

To grow as a CHPS leader, both as an individual and alongside other leaders. 

To learn and grow in responsibility and healthy relationships.



Encourage each other.  Work as a team.  Encourage Friendships.  Model Forgiveness. Listen to each other and the students we work with.  Show care and compassion towards each other and the students we work with.  Be fair.  Show up. 


Cheyenne Mason – On behalf of the Wellbeing and Culture Team