Secondary News

Vocational Majors and Victorian Pathways
Fleet managers
This year in 2024, the VM and VPC student team have a number of projects arranged to integrate their studies in Literacy, Numeracy, Work Related Skills and Personal Development.
Throughout the year the team have decided to be Fleet Managers for Edenhope College.
They propose to learn the skills and apply them to manage the safety and maintenance of the College 24 seater, 9 seater mini bus and car.
Currently they have been learning from Edenhope PitStop how to complete safety checks, to ensure the vehicles are safe for the staff and students to use. A big thankyou to Darren Pahl, for giving us his valuable time to share some tips on Checking oil, coolants, tyre pressures and locating crucial points for wear. The boys will do the safety checks, however the actual servicing will be completed by specialist trades people like Darren.
Thank you to Sam Kealy for spending time sharing tips about vehicle cleaning. The boys prepared the 24 seater for the Henley pageant and were very disappointed to have the vehicle returned with bore water etching to the glassware, that they had spent meticulous time getting to a shine.
As part of their studies, they will organise each term, a Car Wash day, asking for customers from our school community to book vehicles in for a wash or detail. Funds raised from this will assist the team to purchase consumables and to eventually purchase a car cleaning unit and vacuum cleaner. Students will need to prepare and present to the School Council first.
In the interim, students are developing skill sets in Cleaning and Detailing vehicles, participating in Basic Vehicle Service Operations, Automotive Mechanic Fundamentals, Buying a car, Loan repayments, Developing a small business. Stay tuned.
Production Team
Another project for VM and VPC will be set building, costume making and catering for the College Production The Addams Family.
Currently Trinity and Bella are building props with Mrs Stringer and Bella is designing costumes. Photos to come.
Coffee Book Project
Students are developing their literacy skills and personal development skills, designing format and styles for a Coffee Book.
Once skill sets are developed students are going to spend some time with our local historians at Lakeside Aged Care facility to share in the residents amazing life stories and then publish their memoirs and stories for future generations.
On Thursday the 15th of February we were fortunate enough to have Zoe join the 11s and 12s running through how to be ‘Fit-2-Drive’. It was a very informative presentation with engaging activities that involved all our students. The most beneficial part was Zoe was a young presenter who could relate to the students. We thank Zoe for sharing her expertise and also thank our local Shire for contributing to part of the cost to have Fit-2-Drive attend Edenhope College.
Miss Hardwick