Student Leadership

SRC Student Representative Council
Leaders Learn by Learning
SRCs give students the skills to create and implement, to lead and follow, to learn from mistakes and to succeed. Most importantly, they give students the opportunity to represent the views of their peers and to succeed in making those views heard.
But the job of an SRC member can be challenging!
You need to be a good representative for your year level, an excellent time manager, a clever organiser, creative and enthusiastic, and keep up with the rest of your school work.
And finally, you will need to have the 10 Cs in your toolbag:
- Charismatic
- Caring
- Committed
- Crystal clear
- Communicative
- Consistent
- Creative
- Competent
- Courageous
- Crazy (just a little) to think that you really can make a difference.
If you would like to step up and have a go, nominations are open. During the past fortnight of the Establishment Program, students were given the opportunity to learn about leadership, and some have prepared their candidate speeches and have already been nominated. So Mrs Tucker can keep up with this exciting energy, please touch base with her to ensure you have everything in order.
Once Mrs Tucker has all the nominations in check, you will have an opportunity to lobby for votes and present "Why should you be considered to be your year level representative?"
Then there will be an election, where each year level will vote to decide on two successful candidates for their year level (Year 4-12).
If you need more information, Homegroups will be given the SRC Brochure that houses detailed information about being an SRC Member.
The first fundraising event for Term 1 is the FOODBANK FOOD FIGHT. Read more elsewhere iWhytalla.
Mrs Tucker
Student Voice Facilitator