Senior Mixed Cricket Report

Alex Bennetts Year 11

14 of our senior students represented Woodmans Hill in the Eureka Division Cricket competition at Victoria Park, it was a very hot day and Alex- our Captain won the coin toss. 


Woodmans Hill bowled first and started off well, getting the first two batters out, from there Phoenix Community College steadied the shot and ticked the runs off comfortably. After 15 overs of bowling, Woodmans had a big target to chase down, unfortunately even with their best efforts they couldn't chase down Phoenix's score.


The next game was against Ballarat High School, the weather had other plans and it started raining causing the players to come off the field a few times, unfortunately the bus arrived just as the match recommenced due to the rain.


To sum the day up the senior students showed resilience, determination and respect- all of Woodmans Hill school values. They battled through the heat and tough conditions all whilst trying their best. Unfortunately the results did not go the way  we would have liked but all students and staff had fun and represented the school to a high level/


Thank you to Mr Gibbles for umpiring out in the heat AND rain all day and to Erin for helping everyone be ready and prepared for the games.