Principal's Report

Tim Furphy, Principal

Well here we are, 2024 Term One has arrived! I hope you all had such a fantastic break and are ready for the school year ahead. It has been so great seeing plenty of happy and smiley faces at the gate each morning and hearing stories about the adventures over the last few weeks. 

I am thrilled to congratulate all staff, students and parents on an excellent start to the year over the first week. Students are settling into routines and are exciteldy moving about their class spaces.

This year we are prioritising time spent together as a school. Being a small school, we have such an amazing opportunity to work, play and socialise alongside stuents of all ages. We will be eating recess outside ALL TOGETHER, sometimes on our new outdoor tables underneath the shade sail and other times enjoying some sunshine, creating a positive atmosphere within the school. Our aim is to create a tight knit community within the school where younger students look up to our more senior students, and those older look out for our juniors. 

**To maintain our 5 star status, we ask that nude food be provided where possible. If students do have rubbish/wrappers, they're encouraged to put them back in their lunchbox to return home**



We will be introducing SeeSaw into our school. This is a new classroom communication tool allowing for increased parent access to the work students are doing.   Each classroom teacher will be sending you a link to join their class, thus allowing you to follow YOUR CHILDS learning. We want to share the wonderful things happening in our classrooms with you, however we do ask for your patience while we navigate the intial steps of implementation.  I am also aware that yes, this is another app to download. Please support us in sharing what our students are doing  and follow the steps (when you recieve them) to set up your account. It will be worth it!



Please know that we'd love you to visit the classrooms with your child(ren) before or after school - they're open from 8.45am in the morning, and then in the afternoon until 3.40pm (Staff are in meetings Monday/Tuesday at 3.45). We really do hope to see some faces checking in!



At this time of each year, the School Council membership undergoes a process where some of the membership comes to the end of their term, allowing for nominations from the school community to be submitted.  As a result of this, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all School Council committee members for their commitment to the school.  More information will follow shortly, although please take this time to consider your interest in joining. 



Unfortunately we won't be having guitar lessons at NPS in 2024. Aaron is no longer able to continue here this year, however we thank him for his time in supoprting students of NPS for the last 8 years or so. We are still able to offer keyboard, and will continue to explore other options to supplement our regular music program.  Thanks Aaron!