Principal's Update

Hi everyone,
I hope you’ve all had a healthy start to the year. It’s amazing to be back into routine and seeing all the students return to school. By just after 9am each day all classes have settled into their reading workshops and are concentrating hard on their work!
A special welcome also to our new Foundation students, I hope they have enjoyed the start to their schooling journey. It is a big step for students when they start school, and we are all very impressed with how well they have adjusted to the school environment. During the month of February Foundation students will continue to have Wednesdays off to assist in the adjustment to their new routine.
Student Free Day
Monday 12th February is a student free day. On this day our teachers will be busy completing professional development sessions to ensure we are delivering the best possible education to our students.
Literacy and Numeracy
The teachers have been busy teaching all students the routines and structures for our Literacy and Numeracy workshops for 2024. All students will be given their individual learning goals over the next few weeks and teachers will be gathering assessment data to provide point of need teaching for every student.
As per our school uniform policy, all students are expected to be in full school uniform each day. This includes polo shirt and shorts, or school dress, black shoes and bottle green hat. During Term 1 all students must wear a hat when outside at play time or for sport. Students that do not have a hat must stay in the undercover areas. New hats are available to purchase at Worklocker Cobram.
Consistency is key!
In order for students to successfully learn at school, its vital that they get into a routine that supports this. Having a consistent bed time and sleep routine ensures that students come to school fresh and ready to learn. I urge all parents and carers to ensure this consistent routine is happening so that students can be successful at school and make the most of every learning opportunity.
Swimming Carnival
Our annual Swimming Carnival will be held on Friday 16th February. This is a fantastic day for all involved and I'd like to invite families to come along to watch and cheer students on!
Have a great week!
Claye Runnalls