A big welcome to all our families, especially to our new Prep community. For families that don’t know me, my name is Antoinette Vaiano. I feel so privileged to be teaching art atTPS for as long as I have, and that I am still enjoying it so much! I teach mainstream art and Steiner craft.
We started the term by discussing what a Growth Mindset looks like in the art room. We then brainstormed a growth mindset mantra that students can use to support their learning. We also started work on our collaborative artworks, where students were asked to work in groups of three or more to create an artwork that uses a continuous line to represent a road. The artworks needed to match up ensuring a smooth journey for their imaginary vehicles. We will have class discussions to decide on the final presentations for each group. I have included images showing students working collaboratively on their designs.
In week three we will start work on our art folios with the theme based on our feature artist Henri Rousseau, a French Post Impressionist. Rousseau was ridiculed throughout his lifetime by art critics because of his naive, self taught art style. Picasso was one of his great admirers and soon the world came to realise his artistic talent and genesis. Rousseau's artwork features jungle scenes with tigers and exotic plants. Students will be inspired by Rousseau's art to create jungle like scenes on their folios.
To support student learning, parents are invited to help in the art room. You will need a current working with children check. Please sign in at the office before you come to the art room.
Antoinette Vaiano