Wellbeing and Mental Health

Social and Emotional Learning at TPS


Our wellbeing goal at TPS in 2024, is to improve connection to school. A sense of belonging to school and family is the single most important protective factor for young people. Students who feel cared for by the people at their school and feel connected to learning are more likely to show improved mental health and academic outcomes. 


One of the ways we are working towards this goal is through embedding a whole school approach to Social and Emotional learning (SEL). 


SEL is the process through which children and young people build and effectively apply knowledge attitudes and skills necessary to:

  • Understand and manage emotions
  • Set and achieve positive goals 
  • Feel and express empathy 
  • Establish and maintain positive relationships
  • Make responsible decisions
  • Develop resilience to deal with change 
  • Create positive gender norms 
  • Contribute to social cohesion 

To support the development of these skills, students at TPS participate in weekly SEL lessons, drawing on learning materials from a range of evidence-based programs including Respectful Relationship, Friendly Schools, Berry Street Education Model and Talking the Talk. This learning is also woven into the rhythm, routine and rituals of each day, and teachers adjust the learning as required to suit our community needs. 

We have recently reviewed and improved our Behaviour Expectations - classroom and playground procedures (see below) and are currently working to ensure that our policies reflect these changes. I’ll provide more information about the ways we are strengthening our SEL program in Dhumbadjirri over the year, so keep your eyes peeled.