Year 3/4 Mainstream

Celebrating Learning

Creating a positive classroom environment


Welcome back to the 2024 school year!


Students are settling into classes nicely and we have begun our year by getting to know each other. Activities and games have allowed us to familiarise ourselves with our classmates and teachers, and the routines and rhythms of the day and week. We have discussed our wellbeing and we have been focusing on creating our class agreements that will determine how we learn and interact with others in our classrooms. 


What are we looking forward to this year?


“I am excited to be in a new classroom.” Odette, 3/4A


“We are looking forward to going on camp again!” Esther and Marley W, 3/4A 


“I am excited to use the laptops.” Felix, 3/4A


“I am looking forward to STEM and Maths!” Violette, 3/4B.


“I am looking forward to camp!” Charlie and Ed, 3/4B.


“I am looking forward to using the laptops!” Frank, 3/4B.


“I am looking forward to doing lots of STEM & technology.” Aurora, 3/4C


“I am looking forward to getting to use the laptops.” Bastien, 3/4C


“I am looking forward to the leadership opportunities with SRC.” 3/4C



Curriculum focus


In Mathematics, we are easing into a unit on place value through fun games and activities.


In Writing, we have been revising the Writing Process and creating ‘seeds’ that will inspire our future writing pieces.


In Reading, we have been reading lots of shared texts that focus on wellbeing and respectful relationships. 


Below are some photos of our class agreements.


Images: Boorimul 3/4B Class Agreement.