
Cameron Azer | Assistant Principal                                                                                                                                

Welcome back to 2024!

It has been so exciting to welcome back our students into the classroom to whaam sure will be a fun and exciting year! We look forward to sharing all the great learning experiences, successes and challenges our students will face this year. 

Improvements to Student Reporting and Parent Engagement in Learning

It is with great enthusiasm that we are informing you of the shift in our Student Reporting and Assessment process in 2024. As you are aware, Hampton Primary School places significant importance on parents/families having a clear and detailed understanding of their child/children’s learning and development and we will continue to improve the resources available to achieve this.


The initiative for change from a ‘Continuous Reporting Framework’ to 'Parent Engagement in Learning’ aligns with widely accepted research that indicates both ongoing, meaningful feedback and parent engagement in learning has a positive impact on student learning outcomes. As a school that prides ourselves on continually improving student outcomes and building the connection to our parents and school community, we are excited about the further enhancements this approach will deliver.


Why the Change?

Each year many practices, resources and applications go through a thorough investigation / review to identify ways in which we can improve as educators. This ensures we provide the best opportunities for success for all our students. Data showed a significant decrease in the access and engagement within SeeSaw over the last 2 years from families. However, we have seen a significant increase in the participation in Parent Teacher Interviews, a growth in parent/family participation in classroom events, such as Wonderful Women’s Day, Grade 6 Building Expo, and in social media posts. High engagement in viewing End of Semester Reports has remained high. The changes we have made to engaging you in your child’s learning journey reflect these shifts in behaviour. This will be conducted through maintaining:

  • Parent Teacher Interviews
  • Semester Reports

And the introduction of:

  • Weekly Class Teacher learning celebrations (Seesaw)
  • Termly Specialists learning celebrations (Seesaw)
  • Termly exhibitions for parents to attend

What to Expect?


  • Each Grade level will conduct an exhibition to showcase students' learning and development each term. Parents/Families may  attend the exhibition in the classroom spaces to celebrate pieces of work or projects which will provide an opportunity for the students to share their learning, challenges and next steps for learning.
  • The exhibitions will promote student voice, choice and ownership of their learning being represented.
  • Parents will have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify certain aspects of the shared learning tasks.
  • A strengthened partnership between home and school will be achieved.

SeeSaw Celebrations of Learning:

  • SeeSaw will continue to be utilised in terms of highlighting and showcasing student and class weekly celebrations. Celebrations will be posted each week. This will be a great opportunity to gain insight as to what learning is occurring each week, view highlights and promote a deeper connection to your child/s classroom learning experiences. Each celebration post will have a description of what is being shared, which may be individual to the student or a whole class post. 

Weekly posts may include the following (individual/group/whole class):

  • Classroom pictures/videos
  • Video from classroom teachers
  • Student/classroom work examples
  • Student/classroom presentations
  • Excursion and Incursion experiences
  • Specialist classroom experiences and learning
  • Whole school events
  • Assembly presentations
  • Links to relevant learning resources, articles or videos

Please note:

  • Parent Teacher Interviews will remain in Term 1 and in Term 3, bookings are made via Compass. Should you require a meeting with your child’s teacher outside of these times, please contact them directly. 
  • Semester Reports in Terms 2 and 4 released via Compass. These reports will be released at the end of Semester 1 (June) and Semester 2 (December) via Compass. No further changes have been made to the contents of the Semester Reports.

As partners in your child/s education, we value your involvement and are committed to working together to ensure the success of every student at Hampton Primary School. We are excited about the potential this brings in terms of parent and community engagement in our students' learning and are proud of our teachers' passion in investing the considerable time it takes in facilitating these opportunities to document our student growth in learning.