Sustainability News

Last year we had a big focus on improving our sustainability initiatives across the school.


The students have gotten off to a great start and have been taking care to recycle and use the correct bins. The number of lunch boxes with low amounts of plastic across the school is great to see. It is reflective of the conscious choices we are making as a whole school community.


We have been blessed with a wet and warm summer, which has resulted in our vegetable beds thriving. perhaps a little bit too much! The school garden is quite overgrown and we could do with a little bit of help to get it tidied up. I will be running gardening club on Monday at 11.05am with some very eager and helpful students  within the school. 


If any parents would like to come to assist with weeding and tidying up the garden on Monday or at some point next week, please send me an email and we can arrange a time. 


We also seeking a volunteer to assist us with collecting a composter at some point in the next week. Rosie (Alice, Year One) has kindly donated it to St Joseph's, and it's conveniently located close to school! Please email me if you are able to assist with this.


The enthusiasm and passion of the students and environment leaders across the school was very empowering to witness last year and I look forward to another busy year in the garden! 


Many thanks, 

Mrs Doran