School Production

At the end of Term 3, Wedderburn College showed off their many talents in the performing arts with a successful performance of Queen's musical, 'We Will Rock You'.
Wedderburn College students from years 5 to 10, including 3 students from Inglewood Primary School, spent over 10 weeks preparing for their solo roles, working each week to improve their drama and singing skills to put on this exciting showcase. Every student at Wedderburn College and Inglewood Primary School from Foundation to Year 6 played their supporting role by learning and performing their class dances and songs. Senior College students gave up their time to assist in hair and makeup, lighting and sound, taking on these new challenging skills with great enthusiasm.
After ironing out the smaller details at the midday dress rehearsal, which was attended by IDHS hostel residents and several local schools, the evening show was a huge success, bringing in hundreds of excited viewers. Seeing the huge numbers of attendees entering into the KLC motivated our students to bring their very best efforts to their final performance of the show. To top off the night, special guests Queen* (*which may or may not have been Wedderburn College staff members in wigs) gave their best rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody, and showing that Mr Fowles may have a new career in air guitar.
We are so proud of the incredible efforts of all students involved in our 2023 production, and we are so thankful to all staff and family members who gave their time to the show in so many ways.
Congratulations everyone! Rock on!
Morgan Ferguson and Carol Woodman
Directors of 'We Will Rock You'
Morgan Ferguson & Carol Woodman