Classroom Reports

Catholicare came to Wedderburn college today to run a parent workshop titled “Building Resilience in Kids”. Lisa and Julie supported parents to help kids develop skills, habits and attitudes for building resilience. Resilience is not just about managing current stressors, but also developing skills for dealing with challenges throughout life and enhancing mental health. It was well received by families who appreciated the strategies to help their children. Thank you again Julia and Lisa for coming to Wedderburn College.
Foundation and One
Welcome back to Term Four. This term is a busy one and there is much to celebrate.
As part of our Inquiry unit, children will be identifying and discussing cultural diversity. We have already investigated how we celebrate birthdays, and discovered the emotions we experience can be different when people get older!!!
In Maths, we are learning all about fractions. Already we have made 'fraction fishbowls and caterpillars'. Our favourite is going to be 'fraction ice-creams!'
We are also celebrating how well we are getting at recognising the 'Tricky Words'. Remember to keep practising these each night, alongside reading your book.
This week, we are very excited to stay late at school on Thursday. A note went home during the week explaining all the details.
Year 1 & 2
Welcome back to Term Four! We are on the home straight and will finish the year with a fun and busy term!
Late Stay – Sleepover/Excursion
Notes have gone home regarding the Year One late stay this Thursday, and the Year Two sleepover the following Thursday night with the local excursion to follow on the Friday. Please contact me if you have not received the information or you have any questions about either.
In the classroom
In maths we are working on making, identifying and writing fractions. This week we have been busy making a “Quarters Quilt” Ask your child if they can remember what the top and bottom number of a fraction are called.
In writing we are working on writing exciting endings. No more quick and boring endings like…”and then we went home. – The End”
During Inquiry we will be looking at Celebrations and how people celebrate different things in different ways.
Please check your child has their name on their hat – they all look very similar!
Have a great week.
Mrs McKenzie, Classroom Teacher
Year 3
Welcome Back Grade 3 Parents, Carers and Community.
It has been fantastic hearing all of the shenanigans the students got up to in the holidays. It was all fun and relax by the sounds of their recounts.
This term is going to busy as we prepare for continuation of our learning journeys in preparation for Year 4.
This term we are embarking on new endeavours by listening to and reading a class novel entitled The Iron Man. The students have been throughly engaged in the listening and reading of the chapters as well as the activities associated with their comprehension.
Our Class Focuses Include:
Maths- Fractions
Reading – Visualising
Writing- Tightening Tension
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher.
Year 4
Year 4 have quickly settled back into our routines and learning. It has been wonderful to see everyone eager to explore new learning!
In Mathematics, we have continued our exploration into fractions and decimals. Working together as a group to share our mathematical knowledge to help others learn. Whilst sometimes it has been tricky, it has been great to see everyone work together to develop a shared understanding. Year 4 students have enjoyed developing their understanding of decimals through games like ‘Guess my decimal’.
Miss Anderson, Classroom Teacher
Years 5 & 6
Hello and welcome to Term 4.
We have hit the ground running with little time for anything but learning! We took advantage of the glorious sunshine and got outside to explore fractions and decimals by drawing number lines that showed the correct equal parts. Feedback from students was very positive, with most loving being able to get outside.
Our new Inquiry topic for Term 4 is Food and Fibre. Students have been highly engaged in our first two topics of Plant Types & Animal Breeds and Milk Production, with many wonderings being generated from our existing knowledge and our need to know more!
Term 4 is packed with opportunities for students to be involved in many activities, the first being Calder T20 Blast next Thursday (19th Oct) in Boort. Students who have registered their interest will receive more information later this week.
For our Year 6’s, this is their very last term of primary school! They have a full day of Year 7 transition next Tuesday (17th Oct) with lots of activities planned for them to immerse themselves into the secondary school way of life!
Homework has returned this week with students being required to read for 10mins every night and return their diary daily to be checked, spelling words and a revision math page to be completed and handed in each Friday. If your child is struggling with these expectations or requires extra assistance, please do not hesitate to contact their Homeroom teacher. We are more than happy to help 😊
A reminder for students to be wearing their hats each day and bring a drink bottle if necessary, especially as the weather begins to warm up!
Looking forward to a busy yet rewarding term.
Miss Douglas and Mrs Turnbull, Classroom Teachers
Year 7 2024 Transition Day
Please find attached the details of our upcoming Year 6 – 7 full day Transition Day on Tuesday October 17.
I have also attached another copy of the ‘What to bring to Transition’ document. Please note it is now Term 4 and students will require a Sun Smart hat.
Students will be expected to arrive directly at Wedderburn College for the beginning of our day, meeting Ms Graham in the Library upon their arrival. There will be a safe space provided for students to leave their bags.
As always, Year 6 students are considered Year 7s for the day and will not be able to enter the Primary Area.
Year 5 students will attend classes as normal.
Subject | Teacher | |
Homeroom |
| Ms Kirsten Graham |
1a | Maths | Mr Danny Fowles |
1b | Activity | Mr Danny Forrest |
Recess | ||
2a | English | Ms Kirsten Graham |
2b | Music | Ms Morgan Ferguson |
Lunch | ||
3a | Activity | Mr Dean Lockhart |
3b | Humanities | Ms Emily Van de Wetering |
Year 8 Science
Geology Excursion
On the last Thursday of Term 3, Yr 8 students took part in a local excursion to learn about the geological history and recent core drilling in Wedderburn. Students were taken to a rock cutting alongside the Wedderburn railway line, a local geologist and mining manager talked to them about the folds in the rock, time scales and the different types of rock present. Students were then taken to a mining core farm, close to the township of Wedderburn. Students were divided into smaller groups and rotated between the Geologist, Mining Manager and Mining Finance Manager. Students were able to see the core drilling samples and what geologists are looking for in the samples, indicating the presence of gold. They learnt about the process of trying to finance mining exploration and the variables involved, including new mine operations.
Overall, the students were provided with a detailed insight into the role of a geologist and possible career opportunities in the field of mining and exploration.
Mr Merritt, Science Teacher
Year 9 Alpine Leadership Camp
On Sunday the 8th of October, six excited students arrived at their home for the next eight weeks, the Alpine Leadership Campus. Whilst some of the students were nervous, they quickly settled in and were quick to make new friends and were eager to get into the experience. We are already so proud of our students for taking on this opportunity. It is a huge step for a number of them.
Miss Milne
Year 10
As we step into the final stretch of the school year for our Year 10 students, it's essential to maintain the momentum and stay motivated to finish strong. With exams, assignments, and exciting opportunities on the horizon, we want to offer some friendly reminders and valuable resources to help you thrive academically and personally.
Completing Homework:
Homework plays a crucial role in reinforcing what you learn in class and preparing you for upcoming assessments. Consistently completing your assignments is a habit that will serve you well throughout your academic journey. If you ever feel overwhelmed or unsure about your homework, don't hesitate to reach out to your classroom teachers for clarification and guidance.
Utilise Homework Club:
Homework Club is available to all students on Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunchtime. It's an excellent opportunity to work on your assignments in a focused environment, ask questions, and collaborate with peers. Staff members are there to support you, so make the most of this resource to manage your workload effectively.
Seek Support from Teachers:
Your homeroom teachers and classroom teachers are here to help you succeed. If you're facing challenges, whether they're academic or personal, don't hesitate to schedule a meeting with them or our wellbeing staff. They can provide valuable insights, resources, and assistance tailored to your needs. Communication is key, so don't be shy about asking for help.
Stay SunSmart:
With the weather warming up, it's crucial to protect yourself from the sun's harmful rays. During recess and lunchtime, please remember to wear a hat and sunscreen. Hats are not to be worn in class. This small but important practice will help you stay safe and healthy throughout the sunny days ahead.
Year 10 Camp:
Camp will be taking place during Week 10, from December 6 – 8th for our Year 10 students. We are looking forward to heading to Melbourne with students and exploring the city through a range of educational and team based activities and experiences. Please stay tuned for further information very soon.
Mr Iser, Mrs Barker and Mr Merritt, Homeroom Teachers
Year 11 & 12
At the end of this week the Year 12 students begin their transition into adult life. This is a huge step for them and one which they are ready to take (whether they know it or not!). This is a time for parents and teachers to reflect on their own experiences of leaving school and for the Year 12s to ready themselves for their lives ahead.
Some of these students will go straight into the workplace, others will be preparing for exams. Some may not know what the future holds. For all of them, an era is over and a new one begins. It has been a pleasure for us as their homegroup teachers to have spent time with them and to have supported them, even in some small way, to get to this point.
This week, the Year 12s are experiencing mixed emotions. Some are sad, others excited. None of them will miss three periods of English on Tuesdays! We wish all our senior students success with this next phase of their lives. Those students facing exams have a very important time ahead of them. The next few weeks can and do make a lot of difference to their exam results; this is not the time to drop the ball! Work hard all of you and give life your best shot!
Mr Gretgrix, Mrs Woodman and Mrs Ritchie, Year 11 & 12 Homeroom Teachers.
VET Community Services Class
VET Community Services is a course which develops the knowledge and skills that assist young people to work with wide and diverse groups of people, whether working in retail, hospitality or community health services such as aged care, childcare, disability care.
As part of the practical process of applying knowledge and skills to real life situations, the class recently did a day excursion to Bendigo to visit the non-profit organisation Food Share and to see the work that they do in the region.
Food Share Bendigo is an organisation which provides food relief to charity and other organisations to distribute amongst those who need it.
We visited the newly established “Grow, Cook and Share Hub” at Strathfieldsaye where seasonal vegetables are grown for use in their partnerships across the region.
Next, we visited the Food Share Warehouse in Long Gully, where food (fresh, frozen, canned, processed) is delivered to be sorted and allocated to the various charity groups across the region. Food Share sourced over 750,000kgs of food in 2021/22 that would have been destined for waste.
The following week the excursion the students produced 41 meals which were frozen and donated to Food Share. The meals included; Mac & Cheese, Chicken Carbonara, Spaghetti with Meatballs and Mini Dim Sim Soup with Noodles.
Our thanks to Charlton College for sharing the article and photos.
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Calder T20 Blast
On Thursday the 19th of October, two teams of Year 5/6’s will be competing in the Calder T20 Blast. Students should have received their consent forms today. These are due back on Wednesday the 18th. Students are reminded to bring plenty of water, snacks and lunch. Parents/ guardians are welcome to support their child/ren on the day.
Mr P’s Secondary Student of the Fortnight is Hope Brook for showing resilience and not giving up during our practical PE class to start Term 4. Hope kept persisting and was able to demonstrate some key skills for our volleyball unit. Well done, Hope.
Miss M’s Primary PE Student of the Fortnight is Archie Polkinghorne. Archie is a student who always leads from the front. He role models each value in each lesson and without being asked assists with tidy up. Well done, Archie.
OSHC Program
To Parent/Carers,
Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe, Annette Hunt.
OSHC Coordinators.
Homework Club
Homework Club is held each Tuesday and Thursday at lunchtime in Room 11, students can drop in and work in a quiet, warm space. They can work independently or get help as required. As this is a voluntary program designed to give students an opportunity to catch up, own their learning, or get ahead, Homework Club is a chance for students to demonstrate our core values of Responsibility and Resilience.
Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.