Assistant Principal's 


Mr Lockhart

Year 12 – Last Day – Friday 13/10

Just a reminder that this Friday is the last day for our Year 12s before they enter into SWOTVAC followed by their final exams.  To celebrate this day, we have a number of activities planned for our Year 12s, highlighted with a Whole School Assembly at 1b (10.00am). An open invitation is extended to the school community to come along and celebrate the school journey of our Year 12s.


School Uniform.

I wish to remind everyone that during Term 1 and 4 students are required to wear school hats during break times. The hats must have a school logo and are either bucket or broad brim hats. Hats can be purchased from the Uniform Shop or from the Front Office for $15. 


Afterschool Basketball is Back!!!

Starting Week 3

  1. Wednesday 18 Oct – Yr 5 to 12 – 3.30pm to 4.30pm 
  2. Thursday  19 Oct – Aussie Hoops - Foundation to Yr 4 – 3.30pm to 4.15pm.

All students who participate will receive a basketball and drink bottle which they are expected to bring to every session.

School Crossing

When crossing Hospital Street I urge students to use the School Crossing near the bike shed. Please,  do not cross at the Chapel Street intersection as this can get very busy.  Thank you.