Principal's Message

Mr Forrest

Term 4 Commences in Busy Fashion

We have  had a very fast paced and enjoyable start to Term 4.   I am still trying to establish my new routine of returning to work after my knee operation last term, however it is good to be back at school and almost 85% mobile!

So far we have had some great activities to start the term with and a lot more to come.  I have enjoyed our visit to Wedderburn Kinder with Miss Tanya and the Foundation students today, attending the Primary Assembly and am looking forward to the Foundation/1 late stay tomorrow,  Year 12 students last day on Friday and all school camps organised this term. Please make sure you keep up to date across all our platforms, especially COMPASS, the Newsletter and the Year Planner/Calendar. 


The Sensational Six
The Sensational Six

Alpine School - for Student Leadership

On Sunday six of our students set off for the biggest adventure of a lifetime to attend the Alpine Student Leadership school located on the great Alpine Road at Dinner Plain.   It is an immersive State-Wide residential program for Year 9 Government school students which enables them to grow into better citizens and leaders through increased self-awareness, social engagement, community connection and environmental stewardship.   The vision of the school for student leadership is to provide experiential education that supports personal growth, aspiration and transformation of all students as global citizens.  We wish the students all the best and we look forward to visiting them in late November. 


Today, our three Year 10 girls spoke to the Year 8 students about their experiences attending the Don Valley Student Leadership campus last year.   We have been granted five places for 2024 at the Don Valley campus in Term 1.    I encourage all 2024 Year 9 students who are eligible, to apply for this unique experience. 


New Doctor in Schools Location
New Doctor in Schools Location

School Building Project Update

There is a lot happening behind the scenes at the moment as the project approaches its final design stage before going out to tender towards the end of the month. 

The secondary school toilets are going to be demolished in the new year to make way for a new science building and secondary toilet block.    Major renovations will also occur in the secondary art and food technology classrooms, KLC and an additional student outdoor space beside the canteen.    There will also be major landscaping throughout the school that includes improvements to 'all abilities access' ramps from the school front gate to the top school oval.     Works will be due to commence in 2024 and will impact some areas as they progress throughout the year.    The new science and KLC works are scheduled to be in stage one.     We will keep everyone more informed when the details have been organised.    You will notice that the Doctor in Schools building has moved to Chapel Street at the front of the KLC as part of an early works package.  Work will be also be conducted this term to make the BER building  more compliant with our bushfire plan as it will be our new 'Shelter in Place' facility.  

Current COVID Advice

I have been fielding a few enquiries lately about COVID.  Yes it is still around. 

Please see current advice below from the Department of Education.

Management of COVID-19 in schools

It is recommended that staff members, students or visitors who have symptoms of cold, influenza or COVID-19 undergo testing for COVID-19. Parents of symptomatic students should be asked to collect their child from school and keep them home until they are no longer symptomatic.

The Department of Health recommends that staff and students who test positive for COVID-19 isolate for a minimum of 5 days and do not attend school until their symptoms resolve. If well enough, students should be supported in the same way as students with an extended absence due to illness or injury, with learning material provided to support their continued learning.

Schools must treat health information, including positive COVID-19 test results, in accordance with the Schools’ Privacy Policy. COVID-19 diagnoses are not to be shared or discussed unless the individual (or their parent/carer) provides consent, or unless schools are legally obliged or authorised to do so. 


Infection prevention and control

All staff, students and visitors to schools should practise good hand hygiene, particularly on arrival to school, before and after eating, after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the toilet. Staff should direct or supervise young students where required.