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If you have a child/children in a Foundation- Year 2, be sure to ask them about the Bravehearts Incursion they attended today. 

For more than two decades, Bravehearts has been making a positive, quantifiable difference in child protection, using The three Piers to Prevention - EducateEmpower and Protect. Once again, we have been fortunate to have the Bravehearts Personal Safety Program visit our school.      


For further information about the ‘Bravehearts’ Program and Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show visit the link below.             




During our final week of Term 3, Sacred Heart hosted two ‘Living with Primary Aged Children’ Sessions. Facilitating both sessions was Helen Diamond, Practitioner and Parent Educator from Family Relationship Services Catholic Care,based in Warrnambool.

The session drew on evidence based parenting programs such as; ‘Circle of Security Parenting’, ‘Bringing up Great Kids’, by the Australian Childhood Foundation and ‘Tuning into Kids’ as well as the observations and experiences from parents Helen has met along the way. 

It was pleasing to have quite a number of our parents and grandparents attend these interactive sessions.

Follow up email from Helen Diamond:

Thank you for attending the Parenting Sessions on Wednesday 13th September and I hope that you were able to take something away with you. Being a new idea/strategy or  reassuring yourself that what you are doing is great and the challenges you experience are very normal.  


Helen Diamond has asked me to pass on her details and if you would like to, she is available to offer her Family Relationship Services.


Please feel free to contact 

Helen Diamond


Family Relationship Services

Hours: Tue-Thu 9:00am- 5:00pm

142 Timor St, Warrnamobool, Vic, 3280

PO Box 994

Ph: 03 43444588




Have you ever asked your child about their dream superpower? If you haven’t, try it! 

My kids have named everything from being able to fly to making broccoli disappear.

But, you know what?

If I had a magic wand, I'd make sure they have the superpower of unshakeable confidence.

Why? Because it's the key to diving into new adventures, making friends, and bouncing back from setbacks.

Yet, genuine confidence isn't about doing things perfectly or having other people like you. 

It's an inside job. And, let’s face it, mastering this inner game is tough for grown-ups, let alone our young ones.

So, this week, I'm thrilled to share the My Circle of Control: Confidence poster. Perfect for a bedroom wall or a classroom corner, it's designed to boost self-worth and confidence.





Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader/Religious Education Leader