Principal News
Welcome back for Term 4 everyone. We have had a great start to the term with students and staff getting settled into learning and off to a great start. I am noticing that most students are wearing hats but there are still a few without. I would like to ask for the support of families to make sure that every students brings a sun smart hat to school every day. Hats are required for all outdoor activities during Term 4. Students who do not have a hat may be required to remain inside or to stay under the rotunda during playtime or outdoor activities.
We have had our 2024 Foundation students come to school twice so far this term with a few more transition sessions scheduled over the next few weeks. I would like welcome all of our new Foundation students and their families to Banyan Fields Primary School. I am sure you will find our school to be a welcoming and supportive place for all students to learn. I was lucky enough to spend some time in the classrooms during the transition sessions and enjoyed seeing them become confident and settling into Banyan Fields Primary School. The purpose of our transition program is to help students become familiar with our school so that they are looking forward to 2024. This is a very exciting time.
Everyone would be aware that we had to reschedule our colour run due to cold, windy and wet weather.I understand that this is disappointing however after all of our hard work to fundraise and with all of the great activities that will be happening on the day we want our students and our school community to really enjoy the event. With better weather forecast this week we can look forward to a fantastic event - The rescheduled Colour Run Date is Friday 20th October.
The Banyan Fields kinder have made me aware that they have had issues regarding people parking in their carpark during school drop off and collection times. I would like to remind the BFPS school community not to use this car park. We know that parking at peak times is limited and can be frustrating at times. There is parking available down at Banyan Reserve and a gate that goes through to the back of the school. This may be a good option to consider in order to avoid the busier parking areas.
At Banyan Fields Primary School we value having strong relationships with parents, carers and families. We encourage families to make the school aware if there are ever issues that need to be understood and resolved to support students learning and engagement at school. I want to take this opportunity to remind our school community that at all times communication and behaviour with school staff or while on school site needs to be respectful and appropriate. We all share a responsibility to create a safe and happy place for our students to learn and our community to enjoy. Any behaviour that makes staff or school community members feel unsafe will not be accepted.