Classroom News

Year 3 Green Team Community Challenge 

We are the green team and we are setting a challenge for the school to do at home.

Our challenge is to use less electricity. Something we could use less of are lights and devices. You can easily use lights less by turning off the light when you go out of the house or when you are watching videos. Opening windows instead of using aircons/air conditioning, not using colour when printing, when you need to print something out, only print out one sheet. The challenge will be for your child either to take one hour, thirty minutes or twenty minutes of any day not to use electricity, (but one hour is suggested).

You can put your class name, your name, what you did to save electricity and how long you did it for on a piece if paper and give it to the Year 3 Green Team.

Thank You  - Year 3 Green Team

Year 6 - APS Book Donation

Dear APS families,

We are the Year 6 Sustainability Action Team, and we are here to update you on the results for a project we started in Term 1. This entailed collecting second-hand books from the Alphington community and boxing them up to be shipped across to Lautoka Primary School, Fiji. We collaborated with Saint Anthony’s and Fairfield Primary, and together we donated over four thousand books, and nine hundred library bags that were provided by the shipping company, MCM. The books finally arrived at the end of Term 3, and the MCM team were greeted with many smiles and even an official school welcome conducted by the students and principal from Lautoka Primary. They had just built a new library, but didn't have any books to fill the shelves, so our contribution was greatly appreciated. We look forward to doing more projects similar to this in the future, as it was a very meaningful experience. You will find attached a letter from Nick Critchley, (MCM employee and major contributor to this endeavour) and some photographs taken in Fiji, showing the reaction when the books arrived. 


The Sustainability Action Team (Frankie, Mira, Ben, Olivia, Charlie and Jon)