Assistant Principal Update

Shane Wilkie

Hello everyone,


Welcome to Term 4 Week 2. It was very busy and exciting first week. Last Wednesday Year 6 students participated in the Ivanhoe District Basketball competition and did a great job against some challenging competition. Today we had a group of students attending Regional Athletics at Meadowglen Athletics Complex. Tomorrow, we have a group of Year 6 students are off to Northcote High School for the finals of the public speaking competition. 


Term 4 Class Newsletters 

Please keep an eye out for your child’s Term 4 Class Newsletter which will be released by the end of the week. It is important that you take time to review the items in the newsletter. You will find information about a range of topics for this term.

  • Curriculum overviews for English, Mathematics, Inquiry, Wellbeing and Specialist subjects
  • Upcoming dates relevant to your child’s classroom
  • Information about possible events, incursions, and excursions/camps.

If you have any questions about anything in the class newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teachers.


Prep/1 Concert 

We are very excited about this year’s Prep/Year One Concert to be held at Thornbury High School on Thursday 2 November from 7:00pm. Tickets will go on sale through Try Booking next week. Christy, Megan, and class teachers are working with students during PE and Performing Arts sessions developing the singing and dancing for the performance. Students will have a full rehearsal at school prior to the event and we are planning a rehearsal at the Thornbury venue prior to the event. Information about buses and consent will be available through Compass.


Tuning into Teens

We are excited to once again offer the Tuning in to Teens program for parents/carers of Year 5-6 students. This 6-session, interactive, small-group program will be held at our school next term on Wednesday evenings. Tuning in to Teens is a great opportunity to better understand and help your child as they prepare to navigate high school and adolescence. The program helps you reflect on how you can strengthen your relationship with your child and build their emotional intelligence. More information in the flyer attached.

Wednesday evenings at Alphington Primary School 6.30pm-8.30pm

Commences 25 Oct (for 6 weeks)

To register, visit


Emergency Evacuation Drill

On Friday 20 October we will hold an onsite lockdown drill. The drill is scheduled for some time prior to recess and will allow us to review our processes and protocols when locking down the school. This will be the first lockdown drill for the year, and as such, we will announce the drill to the students. We will be using the scenario of an extreme weather event. We will request that all classes and buildings are locked, and students move to a safe space in the room. Staff will be briefed about the procedures for the lockdown drill prior to the alarm being sounded and the announcement being made through the PA system.


Enjoy your week.

Shane Wilkie

Assistant Principal