Principal Update

Melissa Mackenzie

This week we have settled into the term with some excursions and incursions setting the scene for our Integrated Learning. The Preps visited the Collingwood Children's Farm to learn about life cycles, the Year 4’s went to The Chanel and completed a podcasting session related to their digital technology unit and the Year 3’s are experiencing a science incursion to support their learning in science. 


As you know these excursion/incursion events are integral to the learning our students do. They are paid for by the Incursion/Excursion Levy and are a user pays charge. 

We have many camps coming up this term and this is an additional cost to families. 

We give as much notice as possible and are happy to work with families to ensure every student attends their outdoor education experience. The cost of camps has increased and particularly the cost of buses. We work hard to provide a rich experience for the students being mindful of the cost to families. Our team review the camps each year and make changes as necessary. Currently the table shows the experiences and duration of outdoor activities:

 DurationPlace and experience2023 cost
Prep/ One2 hours At school with night time entertainmentApprox.. $20
Year 2OvernightAt school with night time incursion Approx. $50
Year 31 night awayCamp Arrabri- team work adventures$265
Year 42 nights awayCamp Jungai- bush adventure$425
Year 53 nights awayPortsea camp- beach adventure$505
Year 63 nights awayCamp Marysville- bush challenge$520


APS is a site for voting this Saturday. We will be running a Sausage Sizzle, Coffee and Cake Stalls. All money raised will go towards replacing the stolen gates. We rely on volunteers to run the stalls and donate cakes. Please consider working on a stall for an hour on Saturday to support us. There is more information and a link to sign up further in this newsletter. Thanks to Todd on School Council and everyone who supports this fundraising opportunity.


As you may have read we, as a staff, are planning and implementing the Learner Dispositions with the students. We will focus on one disposition a week to give the students the opportunity to understand what each disposition means and how it is shown in the ways we learn. Each week at assembly a year level will present their understanding to the rest of the school. It is a great way to share learning and build understanding of the five dispositions we have chosen to focus on. More information can be found in Shane’s section. Ask your child about them what Learner Disposition they are focussing on this week. 


Have a great week

Melissa Mackenzie
