LOTE (Mandarin)

Ms Hilary Cheng

Mandarin Language Corner

Ni hao Karoo families!  


This week, our senior students have ventured into the realm of Chinese tangram puzzles. In addition to honing their spatial awareness, this experience has deepened their understanding of Chinese culture and history. Their journey with tangram puzzles has been defined by creativity and teamwork, with students collaborating, sharing ideas, and exploring innovative techniques to construct intricate patterns. This not only expanded their grasp of geometry and spatial relationships but also fostered a strong sense of teamwork.


Our junior students have embarked on an exciting journey into the heart of Chinese culture and traditions, immersing themselves in the fascinating realms of the legendary Chinese dragon and the enchanting world of lanterns. This engaging experience has been both educational and enjoyable, fostering a deeper connection to the rich tapestry of Chinese heritage.  


Unraveling the Mysteries of the Legendary Chinese Dragon  

Our students have enthusiastically delved into the vibrant tapestry of Chinese culture by delving into the mythical dragon, an iconic symbol embodying power, strength, and good fortune. Through interactive lessons and engaging activities, our young learners have not only uncovered the legend of the dragon but have also grown to appreciate the profound significance of this revered creature in Chinese history and cultural celebrations.


The Dragon Fortune Teller Adventure and  Chinese Lanterns

They not only explored the significance of the legendary Chinese dragon but also crafted their own Dragon Fortune Tellers, reinforcing fine motor skills and appreciating the importance of symbolism in Chinese culture. Additionally, our young learners delved into the captivating world of Chinese lanterns, discovering their cultural significance in festivals and crafting their own vibrant lanterns.

We look forward to sharing more exciting educational and cultural adventures with you in the future.



Ms. Cheng