Community Association

Changing Our Name

Over the past four years our Community Association has worked together to support the school community in both fundraising, outreach and social events. The name of the group changed at the end of 2019, due to feedback from many stakeholders that they wanted to include more members from the broader community base. While it has been good to work under this title the current group of committee members, who are all school parents, agreed that it would be easier to explain to new parents and would also align with the name of the bank account, 'Parents Association' if we returned to the previous title. It was voted on at the last meeting and all members agreed that from now on we will be known as the St John's Parents Association.

Annual General Meeting

You are all invited to join us for the Community Association's AGM on 28 November. It will be held at 7.00pm in the Staffroom. Drinks and Nibblies will be provided. Come along to celebrate our many achievemnets and highlights and to find out what is planned for 2024.

Many of the roles will be open for new volunteers and we really need your support to make 2024 even bigger and better than this year. So come along and bring your friends too.

Actions From Our Last Meeting

  • Changing the committee name back to Parents Association
  • Creating a new family checklist to help transition and induct new families to the school
  • Sending out a call for volunteers for the Whole School End of year BBQ at Halliday Park on Monday, 11 December
  • Purchasing a new pie warmer for Special Food Days and events
  • Attending the Prep Information Night on 24th October at 7.30pm - Tanya and Emir 
  • Surveying parents to discover how they can assist the new Parent's Association
  • Purchasing new resources for the STEM ro

Mango Fundraiser


The ever-popular and fabulously healthy mango fundraiser is back for 2023!  Trays of approx. 4.5kg delicious mangoes will be available in late November or early December and can be yours for only $25 a tray.  

This year there has been a reduced number of flowers which means the expected yield has been reduced to only 20% of previous years, we are so lucky to be able to have this opportunity and support the farmers. Attached to the newsletter is your order form so please tell your family, friends and co-workers and get your orders in early.  

Final orders and payment are due by Wednesday, 25 October.  


For any questions, contact Donna Bright at


St John's School Colour Run

On Friday, 24 November, we will be holding a School Colour Run for the students. This fundraising event will be supporetd by the Community Association but we need more volunteers on the day. If you are able to help on the day then please let us know 

by contacting Verona Gridley on