Primary School 

Cover image: Years Five and Six Hockey

Year One Assembly

Congratulations to our Year One class on a fantastic assembly on Friday. It was lovely to have an insight into your everyday learning and see your inquiry into the world around us. Your writing, weather reporting, dancing and speaking was impressive. Well done to Mrs Gouldthorp and the Year One class!

Inquiry Projects

Each class is finishing the final inquiry tasks, and they are beginning to be displayed in our foyers. Our Kindergarten students have made fantastic insect homes, our Pre-Primary class is currently creating a very well decorated bus, showcasing their learning and Year Five have built some remarkable Space Settlements. Mr Berryman is guiding our Year Two students in the construction of some push or pull cars and Year Six have constructed their own websites on Asian countries. Please take the time to ask your child about their inquiry projects and have them show you their finished products. 

School Values - Gratitude

Our school value focus for the past fortnight has been Gratitude. The end of term is always a great time to look back and reflect on all the things we have to be grateful for.  


Upcoming Primary School Events - Term Four

Term Four is packed with exciting offerings, and I strongly encourage you to mark your calendars early as it becomes very busy. 

  • Week OneSchool commences on Tuesday 10 October
    Music and merit certificate assembly (Friday). 
  • Week Three – Primary School Interhouse Athletics (Thursday).
  • Week Four – Year Six camp to Rottnest (Monday to Friday) and Year Three sleepover (Friday). 
  • Week Five – Remembrance Day Service (Thursday) and pupil free day (Albany Show Day Friday). 
  • Week Six – Primary School Interschool Athletics (Wednesday), Primary School Orientation Day (Thursday) and chapel Friday. 
  • Week Seven – Swimming lessons all week 11.30am - 3.00pm (Pre-Primary to Year Six). 
  • Week Eight – Swimming lessons all week 11.30am - 3.00pm (Pre-Primary to Year Six), ECC Beach Fun Morning (Thursday) and Christmas Pageant (Saturday). 
  • Week Nine – Whole school Christmas Service and Year Six Exhibition (Monday) and Primary School Awards and Christmas Concert (Tuesday).
    Our last school day for Primary School is Tuesday 5 December. 

Have a restful holidays, and I look forward to welcoming families back on Tuesday 10 October.


Mrs Leah Field | Head of Primary

Year Six Blazer Fittings

All Year Six students have now been fitted for their blazers ready for graduation.


Could Parents and Guardians please collect and pay for them from the Uniform shop before Friday 3 November.


After this date, any blazers not collected will be returned to stock and we cannot guarantee that all sizes will be available.


Mrs Tristine Smargiassi | Uniform Manager