Pastoral Academic Care


This week we take a look back on Year 7-11 and the term that was.


Year 7


End of Term Wrap Up:

As the term is wrapping up now is the perfect time to celebrate all the learning achievements students have had in the classroom. There are magificet clay arts happening, academic achievements in maths as well as some incredible guitar skills in music - just to mention a few! Take a moment to have a look at the images and all the wonderful things our students have participated in.

(Insert photos)

Term 4 Reminders:

During the holidays please take a moment to ensure your child is prepared for returning to school with all the necessary equipment to ensure success. There are many school books that may need replacing and pencil cases are looking a little light on for resources. A new term will also bring on the warmer weather which means a return to our summer uniform. If you require any new school uniform items please get in touch at the front office and a time to access the uniform shop can be arranged. 

School Camp: 

Don’t forget that next term we will be heading off to Coffs Coast Adveture Centre for the year 7 school camp. If you haven’t had the opportunity do to so yet, please head on over to Compass and consent for your child to attend camp. If you would like to set up a payment plan in order to pay off the camp in small installments prior to attending, please get in touch with the front office and they will be able to assist you with this. We need a final confirmation of those attending by the end of week 2 in order to allow Coffs Coast plenty of time to arrange things at their end. 

Take some time to relax and recharge over the next weeks and we look forward to seeing year 7 return for term 4 soon!


Mrs Felicity Magann (on behalf of the Year 7 PAC team)


Year 8

As the term concludes I wish to congratulate the students on the way that they have continued to strive to “Believe in the Good and Be the Good”. Thursday morning we conducted our final term combined year assembly for the term. We were able to show our school appreciation by awarding the Year Leaders awards and acknowledging the Assistant Principal and Principal awards.



A strong connector to school is our willingness to get involved and be willing to participate. As a school we were able to join the school community to celebrate the success of our Year 12 cohort. Year 8 were full of energy and enthusiasm whilst participating in the challenges put forward by the Year 12’s with the ‘Capture the Flag’ event. The final formal assembly for Year 12 ,will require us to wear our full uniform impeccably (plenty of our group have transitioned nicely into the summer uniform). Exceptional reverence and manners are as always expected.


I enjoyed hearing the successes of our cohort as they participated in their respective sporting finals over the weekend. It is important to hear and celebrate our triumphs and close defeats. Continue to view the student academic results by checking Compass to find the learning tasks feedback section.


Parents, please keep in close partnership with teachers. We are one source of education and always do our best to care and teach your children. In regard to technology use please work closely with your children to ensure that there is sensible usage that is socially appropriate. For further tips on safe use of technology can be found on the following website eSafety Commissioner.


Starting the term on a good note with the correct summer uniform ready. Some stationary stocks may need to be refilled or new books purchased. 


As we approach a needed break, I wish our families a restful and safe holiday.


Mrs Kathryn Czinner (on behalf of the Year 8 PAC team)


Year 9


End of Term 3

As we wrap up the term, I want to take a moment to express how proud I am of each and every student. You’ve shown incredible resilience, dedication and growth throughout the term. 

Concluding Term 3, our year 9 students have a lot of success to celebrate. Many students represented the College in a variety of capacities through sport, debating and music. These students should be extremely proud of their efforts and achievements…we certainly are! 



Thank you to all students who really embrace the theme of “Where is your power?”. As we progress to term 4, we’d like students to be encouraged to explore their own unique strengths, talents and abilities. Their power lies within themselves and they have the ability to make a positive impact on their own lives and the lives of others. Students are encouraged to embrace their individuality and use these powers to overcome challenges - whatever they may look like - pursue their passions and make a difference in the world. 


Preparation for Term 4

Over the course of the holidays, please ensure that students are adequately prepared for learning as they head to Term 4. Starting the term on a positive note with the correct summer uniform ready is key to that the students are presenting as part of the O’Connor community. The summer uniform policy can be found in the Student Junior Diary and on the College website. If you do need to purchase any summer uniform items, please contact the College office to arrange an appointment with the uniform Shop. A gentle reminder that Converse, Vans or skate style shoes are not acceptable footwear. Please ensure that your child returns with the correct shoes and joggers for sport. 

Other school equipment may be required also. Please ensure that students are refilling theory stationary supplies, including books and pens, ready for learning on their return. Devices should be charged and ready also. If students do have any issues or concerns with these items, please feel free to contact a member of the Year 9 PAC team for assistance. 


Thank You

On behalf of the Year 9 PAC Team, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank our families for their continued support. By working together, we can create strong support systems for our students and ensure that they are able to access and receive consistent guidance, encouragement and resources, both at home and in the classroom. This partnership is imperative to ensuring that we foster a positive learning environment that helps students thrive academically, socially and emotionally.

We hope that you have a safe and restful break, and return feeling refreshed and revitalised for Term 4!


Ms Natalie Mellowship (on behalf of the Year 9 PAC team)


Year 10

Check out some of our awesome student's and what they have been up to this term!


We will see you all in Term 4!



Year 11


This term has been flown by and as I outlined in my last newsletter article, the year 11 students have been “kicking goals” all over the place. I commend all students on their achievements, academically, sporting and spiritual; they are a superb group of young adults and I know they will continue to excel and support one another to achieve to their full potential.


In relation to this, I want to take this opportunity to say how pleased I was with the respectful behaviour all students exhibited during examinations and hope that students utilise the feedback provided from exams, constructively to move their learning forward.


Looking to next term, students will have a couple of days to begin their HSC studies and then students will be attending the Year 11 retreat at the Coffs Coast Adventure Centre at Bonville on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of week 1.  Here they will have the opportunity to participate in some adrenaline based activities that will promote team building and leadership skills. We will complete some spiritual activities and also take some time to discuss some ideas for how our year group is going to improve culture and participation in all activities in the college.


We will announce the student leadership team and begin to work on the year’s theme and what we want our focus/legacy to be. I look forward to all the opportunities for our year group to set a high standard of what it means to be proud students of OCC!


Have a lovely, safe holiday break,


Mr Luke Andrews (on behalf of the Year 11 PAC team)