Principals Report

Mr Robert Holstein

"Good morning/afternoon to all parents, families, staff, year twelve and students. Welcome to our special guests Mr Justin Matthews, our Special Performance Leader, Father Roel and Mr Schmude from UNE Life we once again thank-you for your support.


Year 12, on behalf of the community of O’Connor Catholic College, I extend our best wishes to you on this very special occasion – your graduation.


Today, marks for you a significant achievement. You are about to embark on a great adventure in your life. Some of you will continue your studies, whilst others among you will seek to find employment, still others may take the opportunity to experience new frontiers through a gap year. But all of you no matter what you pursue in the future, will from now on be acknowledged as having contributed to the rich history of O’Connor Catholic College.


The joys of greater freedom and responsibility await you and I believe that the College has prepared you well to take on this challenge and the change in direction you will experience in your lives. Remember, our school motto, the quote from St Paul’s letter to the Galatians, THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS LOVE is still applicable in whatever you do in the future. I remind you all that the future is yours to take advantage of, to make a difference and to understand what great opportunities there are for the taking. It is our hope that you will; -

·        Make the most of this life that God has given you, and take hold of the opportunities that come your way

·        Be true to your values so that your integrity will shine through

·        Be courageous about meeting people and having a go at something you have not tried before

·        Have big dreams and ambitions, remember knock-backs will occur along the way but be resilient

·        Volunteer some of your time to a worthy cause, develop a sense of justice towards others

·        Remember that compassion, humility, respect, trust and service to others will always hold you in good stead.

·        Do not be afraid to seek advice – listen to others. Listen for example to the words of Pope Francis who encourages you to remember to;

“keep dreaming. To celebrate all the opportunities which enable you, to not lose the hope of a better world with greater possibilities”


It is up to you to work towards this better world to which Pope Francis refers and in so doing remember that there are three types of people in this world:

·        Those that make things happen

·        Those who watch things happen

·        And those who wonder what happened.

Be that person who makes things happen.


Follow the many examples of strong men and women able to inspire you. Look to St Angela Merici and St John Baptiste De La Sallewho had a great desire to heed God’s will and to help those in need.


Keep in mind, that despite the difficulties that confronted them, they always had a special gift for seeking out and caring for those for whom the world didn’t have much time. Both of these could relate to the suffering of others, especially the poor and helpless. They remind us to take things one step at a time, to address issues as they arise, to constantly be on the lookout for opportunities to pick up new skills and perspectives.


I urge you to follow their example to achieve great possibilities.


We are all familiar with the African proverb IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD. Our village encompasses many to which we owe a debt of gratitude. To our parents, I thank you for your support, for the trust and confidence in our judgements, for your expressions of thanks, and for your willingness to place your most precious of gifts – your child, in our care.


I extend heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all your teachers over the last thirteen years, they have worked to develop not only your knowledge and understanding in subject areas, but to also impart the values which Pope Francis refers to as the three languages; that is the language of the mind, the heart, and the hands.

In other words, we pray that you will;

·        think of what you feel and do;

·        listen to what you think and what you do; and

·        do well what you think and do.


Year 12, you have been a student at O’Connor Catholic College for the past six years. You are now called to go out to serve. May God Bless you as you make your final preparations for the HSC and as you take on life beyond school.


I hope you have learnt to live your lives in fulfillment of our school motto, and to put the needs of others before your own. My hope is that when you stand for the last time at the front gate as a student of this College, you will be able to say that you gave your best.


You go with our fondest farewells, best wishes and prayers. God Bless and may St Angela Merici and St John Baptiste De La Salle always be looking over your shoulder."


Mr Robert Holstein

Speech presented at Year 12 Graduation assembly.



Please now enjoy a look back on Term 3.


All staff and students return Monday 9th October.

Have a restful and safe break see you all in Term 4!