Message from 


School Nurse Janice

Lions Eye Health Program

The Lions Eye Health program will be offered to all students in Year 4 to Year 9 . This free screening will occur next term so look out for the consent forms early next term and return to the office as soon as possible. See the flyer attached to the newsletter for more details. 

Sun Smart 

Just a reminder as the warmer weather approaches up that we all need to be Sun Smart !

It is the UV rays that can cause sun damage and skin cancer -not just high temperatures. Consider downloading a UV App that will warn you of times you need protection from the sun in your area especially when the UV index is + 3 

Hats are part of the Wedderburn College Uniform and must be worn when students are outside in Term 1 & 3. 

The uniform shop has hats if your student needs a new one -please make sure it is named!

Research shows us that UV damage significantly increases the risk of skin cancer . Please note the Sun Smart advice on the attached posters  and encourage your students to develop good sun protection habits.                           

Janice Deocampo

School Nurse