School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports - SWPBS

Some of our VCE students were asked to reflect upon our School Wide Expected Behaviours and were asked the question: 

Which expected behaviour on the matrix is most important and why? 

Below are their responses. 

Kyeishia – Follow directions of all staff because teachers are here to help, not be disrespected. 

Conrad – Keep trying because if you always keep trying, you’ll eventually succeed. 

Maikia – Be honest and own your actions because honesty is a very important trait to have in life. 

Pippi – Be a problem solver because you are constantly thrown challenges and you need to always figure ways around them, not just in year 12 but throughout your whole life. 

Brianna – View situations positively because you can carry this through your entire life. 

Rachael Keep trying because it is a reminder to not be so hard on yourself and give up so easily. 

Ciara – Be honest and own your actions because owning your actions; good or bad takes bravery and can give you confidence/accountability.